why do asians wear surgical masks when they arent in surgury?

and its only asians i see. like the chinese asians. or phillipino or koreans.

Dj K-OS2006-04-05T09:38:20Z

Favorite Answer

ROFL...thats just funny to see.


Why Do Asians Wear Masks


This is a lie. Most masks don't even protect the patient including in theatre. They are worn to protect the health worker. If people are wearing it outside of work then they're just a bit sad (they probably think it looks cool). It's like people who wear blues/ scrubs outside work... tramps.

PS it's 'surgery' not 'surgury'

♥ Jae ♥2006-04-16T15:36:53Z

I live in Hawaii and I see plenty of our people and asians wearing surgical masks. It is prevent them from getting SARS or the FLU.


SARS was a big problem a few years ago - and the theory was the mask would help prevent breathing it in. Airplanes handed them out to passengers (in Asia) as they boarded. Also in many Asian countries the air quality is bad in big cities - so they wear them to breath cleaner air.

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