Check details for more info---Is this a sign that one may be watching too much TV?


I took a break after hitting 10K points and have returned only occasionally. Did you get suspended for the Weezer questions? I answered four of them and got four violations for chattiness as I gave the lyrics to the song as well as a little extra about them. That discouraged me from getting on here as much as well as that has been what Q&A has been, exchanging info but also building relationships.

Marianne not Ginger™2006-04-09T16:49:14Z

Favorite Answer

Wow! I respect public opinion but this is taking it a bit too far! lol

I'm thinking he has a LOT of time on his hands. Yes, a bit too much tv watching.

I mean come on.....he could be using his time wisely by doing something constructive like.....uhm.....answering questions on Yahoo right?? ;)

(How are you? Haven't seen you much since my suspension. lol. Did I disappoint you?)