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Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Info please: How often ...[see details]???

do you use the comment box available on a Q after an answer has been selected as BA, or how often do you check and read the comments that come after you chose a BA to a Q?

FYI: This comment box is right below the Q where you can star it as interesting or email it, etc.

Thanks for input as to if and why it's used and whether it is helpful or not.


This is wonderful info - it would be great to be notified of "YA: You have a comment added to your Q, click here to see it".

Daddy Drew: Go to any Q, yours or someone elses, which has already had a BA selected. Then look at the bar at the bottom of the Q box where you can star something as interesting, email it, etc. and you will see 'Comment'. Click on that and it will give you a box to leave a comment in, or multiple comments. Limit is 300 characters and there is no count so you have to keep it short or do as tehabwa suggests. I just keep re-editing until it goes through.

Hard to pick BA from great responses such as these. But know that you all are giving really good answers. Thanks.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whenever one of my answers get a best answer selection, I make it a point to check what the asker has written and whether anyone has left a comment. At that time, I also read all the answers received for the question. If any remarks of the asker or any comment posted by anyone or any answer on record needs a response from me, I do the following.

    If my response is a general one which I feel those who have asked/answered the question (and also those who may happen to read the question later) need to know, then I post my comments after the best answer selection.

    If I think that the asker or an answerer has to be given a response that only s/he needs to read, then I send her/him an e mail. If someone I want to correspond with has not enabled e mail contact, I would like to leave a general comment below the best answer, meant for that person.

    However, I am not sure whether many people would refer back to a question for reading comments, if their answer was not selected as the best. Hence the utility of the comments facility is in doubt.

    It is very difficult to check back for comments on all questions one has answered, unless s/he has starred the question earlier or unless it is in her/his watchlist.

    I would surely welcome it if YA would send e mails to the asker of a question when a comment is made by somone after a best answer is chosen. Likewise, it would help a lot if the asker is informed about any edits made to an answer which s/he has seen earlier. Sometimes people totally change the text of their answers and erase their earlier answers. This would not come to the notice of the asker until s/he gets back to all answers at the time of BA selection.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it would be awesome if there was a way to know people had sent comments. I, personally answer a lot of questions and don't make comment questions on very many of them. I do make a comment sometimes if I have been given a BA, especially if they make a remark about why they gave me a BA. I don't do it really often because I don't think they are read very frequently by the asker. I have no reason to think that people don't read comments - but I wonder if, once they select a BA if they don't just move on.

    Sometimes I have made a comment to clarify something I wrote or to address something the asker added to the question, but I am not sure it is all that helpful to anyone. =)

    See Ya Later!

  • 1 decade ago

    There was a time I routinely checked back to each question I had answered, to see what was chosen as Best, and would sometimes leave a comment.

    I don't think I've ever checked back on my (ver few) questions to see if there are comments.

    Unfortunately, there's no way to know, without going to it, if anyone has commented, or responded to one's comment.

    I did have a few exchanges with people, where they emailed me to say they'd left a comment, and we backed-and-forthed a bit in comments, alerting each other via email.

    My biggest gripe with the Comments is that, here they are so small, and they don't have the countdown thingy (You have 37 characters left).

    Makes them a total pain. You have to write the comment in Word, do Word Count (which also gives you character count) and keep tweaking and messing with it to have a commone within the limit -- or several comments, each within the limit.

    I've suggested numerous times they give us a Count, but they refuse, without explanation.

  • I was just commenting on one of my BA's before clicking on yours :-)

    I've left them occasionally, and read them occasionally.

    I'm doubtful they've ever been read when I've left them.

    I wish there were some notification of when a comment was left on your Q (or even one of your starred Q's).

    Good Q, I'll be sure and leave a C after BA is selected :-)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I comment when I choose a best answer for one of my questions. I do read what a person commented on why they gave me best answer. I didn't know I could comment when my answer to a question is chosen as best answer though.

  • 1 decade ago

    I use it if my answer is chosen as best answer just to say thank you or if I agree with best answer that the person has chosen. If I see a comment has been added, I will click on it to see what was written... is that being nosy?? !! LOL

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I use it to say thank you to the person that selected my answer. I sometimes check back to see if there were any other comments, but not often.*

  • Sugar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I leave them.. Very often, especially when I don't think they have read all the answers or did not leave the question on long enough.. I always read the ones that are given to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe every BA I 've received has had a comment listed.

  • 1 decade ago

    i use it sometimes if i feel that someone didn't elaborate or asked a question in their comment. but does actually read the comment i think would worth asking.

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