Your Autobiography: How long and how does it end?

How many pages will your autobiography have?

What will be the last sentence?


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my oldest daughter will write the last words after I am dead. I'm hoping it goes something like this. "And for all that, all the trials & terbulations, she was good. And we miss her."

Since I am only in my late thirties, MANY pages.


it will be 788 pages and the last sentence will read something like this: "After all of the sunshine and the rain, she (me, Kim) has finally traveled the world, seen the end of the rainbow and beaten the world record holder for hot dog eating contest." *yes!:)

alright, not the most interesting (hard question) but if you got even the littlest bit of chuckle out of was worth it.


Well ....... if you feel you've had a very eventful life, then i would say about 200 pages minimum. You could end it with :

"And now I know that period of my life has ended, and the next one is beginning, and it will be better than ever!"


One page.
The last sentence,"I am writing briefly in reference to my life; It is a wonderful life full of laughter and tears, good days and bad, family and friends, and strangers that imparted tidbits of their personalities, and if I had more time, I'd write a Best Seller."


im not planning to make one yet but mine will have to be a 700 page book. the last sentence i think will be i shall still get angry with my driver ivan, i shall still argue and express my thoughts innoportunely,there will still be a wall between the holy of holies of my soul and of other people, even my wife, and i shall still blame her for my own fears and shall regret it,i shall be unable to understand with my reason why i am praying, and i shall continue to pray- but my life, my whole life, independently of anything that may happen to me, every moment of it, is no longer meaningless as it was before, but has an incontestable meaning of goodness, with which i have the power to invest it

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