Has anyone ever been on a holiday to Iceland. I've seen loads of programmes about it on TV and I think it looks so beautiful and different. Was just wondering if anyone had been there and what was it like as a holiday destination
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I've been to Iceland twice and cannot wait to go back. It can be expensive, but I did the trip very reasonably by taking my own food, staying in hostels and doing alot of hiking instead of the expensive tours (snowmobile, horseback riding, caving).
It is very incredible, so many different landscapes (fjords, lunar, hot springs, bubbling mud, glacial rivers and waterfalls, lava fields covered by flourescent green moss).
The people I've met there are awesome. (friendly, intellegent & helpful).
I don't know that I'd call it a holiday, but I spent 48 hours there. Once while travelling to Ireland, I flew Icelandic Air (I normally fly Aer Lingus). However, since I got a better deal from Icelanic Air, I took it. They had a stop at Reyjavik (sp?) enroute from NY to Shannon, so I thought to myself "why not"?
Like I said, I was only there for 48 hours, but I enjoyed it. It was outrageously expensive (honestly, if you think Dublin is expensive, try Iceland -- Ireland is a bargain in comparison), but I have an overall favorable impression of the place.
The people were very nice and friendly and they all speak excellent English (which is good as I don't speak a single word of Icelandic). It's a very beautiful country and the capital has a bit of a small feel to it. It's about a 2 1/2 hour flight from Shannon. If you save up some money, it's worth checking out.
Residing in a wide bay, Dublin lies between Howth in the north and the headland of Dalkey to the south and the River Liffey split the town in two creating from this town an interesting city you will have the opportunity with hotelbye to go to it. Dublin has provided the world such renowned fictional like: Yeats, Beckett, Joyce, Shaw, and Wilde. Dublin was a UNESCO Town of Literature in 2010 so is definitely an fascinating town to see especially if you intend to visit Bewley's Oriental Café ;.Many might say that Bewley's Oriental Café could be the gem in the crown. Bewley's Oriental Café is an organization that has been built in 1927.
I would like to go but have never been there. I remember flying across the North Atlantic on a clear night and seeing the beautiful outline of Iceland defined by the lights of the towns and roads. It was so inviting I wanted to stop right then to visit.