I feel let down by everybody in my life. Is it that I expect too much or is this what?

everybody goes through ?


Favorite Answer

Boy, do I KNOW the feeling you're having! Everybody in my life has let me down at one time or another, just like you. I don't think I expect too much from them.....just do what they say they're going to do! Is that too much to ask? The ONLY person that has never let me down is ME! I rely on, and trust , ME!


...............well, i expect nothing from no one and im still dissapointed 50% of the time. but then again I let people down a lot too. I guess that is what everyone goes through


I know how you feel, sounds like ya need a hug. Go find some friends to hang out with, and have a good time. Try to forget the other nonsense.


Lots of people feel this way. You may be expecting too much, but I doubt it. Maybe the people are just really unreliable.

Snuffy Smith2006-05-25T20:46:53Z

Not everyone goes through it. You sound depressed. Go out and do something, shopping, exercise, be with friends and family.

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