do you thing this is really the last X-men movie or wil there be a #4?


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I saw an interview with Hugh Jackman and he said that they are thinking of making another movie but mostly about Wolverine. I don't know if its going to be an X-Men title or just a Wolverine movie.
And Chubby is wrong about not having enough story to make a 4th movie. Anyone who's every read any of the comics knows there is plenty of stuff for another.


They way X3 ended with Magneto getting his powers back and the Professor not being dead, I'd say that they have easily set things up to make a 4th movie. I bet they are waiting to see how well this one does and if it's a big success they will go for it. I hope they do - those movies are awesome!

Revolving Ocelot2006-05-29T21:59:14Z

Of course theres a 4th one, Magneto still has his powers he's going to do something evil. Also if they did make a 4th one it would be in 2009. all x-men movies were made every 3 years
See the pattern?


I hope this is the last one. They don't really have a story to go on if they make a fourth. Except for the fact that the angel guy wasn't a big part in the third. I wish they would have shown him more.

Josh S2006-05-29T21:50:09Z

If you stayed until after the credits you realize there will be a #4. Charles Xavier is alive and that is only the beginning as Magneto begins to redevelop his powers.

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