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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 3 days ago

Why are some people so desperate to convert Ian Fleming's original white British James Bond into a female or coloured person?

Is it because they're sexist?

Updated 3 days ago:

or what is their agenda?

14 Answers

  • susan
    Lv 7
    16 hours ago

    Their agenda is to sell movie tickets to people who think James Bond movies is some boring Boomer thing. They are trying to "rebrand" James Bond into something that people in their 20's and 30's might find cool. 

    The producers assume that the aging fan base of the traditional James Bond movies have stopped going to movie theaters, or at least don't go in large enough numbers to make it work the price of producing an action film.

  • 2 days ago

    As per the novels Bond was born on November 11, 1920. Are you insisting that an elderly man play Bond? If not, then by your own logic the screenwriters can make Bond fit the times. If they can change his birthday, they can change other things about Bond. They've obviously dropped the whole idea of Bond being a WW2 veteran, which was essential to the character in the novels. 

    The whole Bond thing requires a lot of suspension of disbelief in any case (there's a madman trying to destroy London!-send one guy to a casino?!), so I don't see the why the film makers shouldn't have some fun with the trope. No one is stopping you from reading the original Fleming novels. You will find out that Bond is more like Craig than Connery. 

    Source(s): Yeah, yeah, I get thumbs down because I point out that Daniel Craig was born long after 1920.
  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Woke bs malarkey.

    Its destroyed star wars, star trek, and dr who.

    They do it on purpose. All these idiot progressives with too much money.

    Why cant they just have their feminist crap elsewhere?

    Goldeneye was nearly ruined with a feminist m and money penny until they changed that quickly. 

    They tried not having Q or gadgets, and that was a big mistake.

    Then some geeky hacker boy was Q?

    New Money Penny shot bond in skyfall and was a terrible driver? Ugly pig nosed actress too.

    I liked Javier and Madds as villains though.

    Feelix was alright.

    The new M great.

  • Summer
    Lv 4
    2 days ago

    Moral extremists for sure. They may as well go and hang out with the Taliban.

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  • 2 days ago

    Because we simply want equality. Why do the good characters always need to be male? Why should women not have several men in their movies? And women are physically not weaker than men!

    We can change James Bond into a different character, for the better. James Bond is only about sexism.  And there is anyway too much action and stupid gadgets.

  • 2 days ago

    The agenda of these radical feminists who hate men is to destroy anything that they call toxic masculinity. However we must not forget that they generalize all men with their sexism and that they are only a minority. Most women are not that sexist as these Radical feminists.

  • 3 days ago

    No, it's far more insidious than that. They want to make MONEY💰. It's just another Hollywood rehash-- a bastardized redo of old material to milk a few more dollars. It's easier than risking being original or creative.

  • Robin
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Because they missed the point 

  • Nemo S
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    Racist and Sexist...


  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 days ago

    Because they think that is what people would want to see.

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