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Lv 5
Jo asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 7 days ago

why are people so against the idea of a female James Bond?

Is it because they're sexist?

Updated 7 days ago:

People are wrong here. James Bond being a man is not intrinsic to the character, a woman acting the same would work just as well, if not better.

Updated 5 days ago:

I feel like people just don't wanna see the female bond use men in the same way male-bond used women throughout his history... it says some scary things about society tbh.

38 Answers

  • 7 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know, "Jamie Bond" with peanut butter legs....maybe!

  • 1 day ago

    the switch really hasn't worked with the series Dr. Who... I stopped watching and I think Jodie Whittaker is a terrific actress, just something is lost in the storyline portrayal or is it because she is not a 38DD?  sorry, just being sarcastic!


  • garry
    Lv 6
    5 days ago

    am for it agent 38 DD .

  • 5 days ago

    More like it say a lot about you if you think James Bond should be a woman when he has always been a man.  Read the books by Ian Fleming.

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  • Aspen
    Lv 4
    6 days ago

    Because for me, James Bond is a person, not a broad entity. And as a person whom I’ve grown up with, he is always a guy. To change the person to something he has never been is as disconcerting to me as when a tv series replaces a beloved actor with another keeping the character present. That new actor always feels inauthentic. It’s like saying that we should revision Santa Claus as a woman. I am all for equality of genders, but they shouldn’t try to change cultural icons. I say create invent a new female agent character spin off. That I could respect. 

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Avengers with Mrs Peel would be far far better.

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    Because it is not the original James Bond of Ian Fleming. And things not sticking to the original idea are usually crap. Besides, why are some people so uncreative or even lazy, to steal the idea. Why do they not create their own character? And for Ian Fleming it was intrinsic . After all Ian Fleming created this character.

    And where is your evidence that a female would do it better.

    You also do a lot of insinuation. What is your evidence that it is sexist? Please explain to us what is sexist about that. Without a good explanation it is just pub talk and should not be taken seriously. And especially, because you only want to provoke with your question (more a reproach). In short, you are a troll who is sexist towards men.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    Because it's about as interesting as Charlize Theron's idea for a Die Hard remake. 

  • 7 days ago

    Mainly because they are aware of the whole of the franchise and not just the "branding".

    Like it or not, Bond's masculinity is intrinsic to the character and role.  The franchise itself was targeted at audiences that enjoyed "manly adventure" tales....and yes, that involves a large segment of female viewers.

    If you change the gender, you change the story.....if you change the story, why not just do the work and come up with a new franchise?

    The simple answer is because you KNOW it will not be a success and you therefore NEED the existing Bond vehicle.  Thus, proving that this is about agenda and not the merit of the story.

  • 7 days ago

    Would you be in favor of a male Scarlett O"Hara?  Of course not, because it would totally change the nature of the character.  She is written to be a female and her story would not make sense if she were male.  The story is intended to be the story of a female.

    Flemings wrote Bond to be a male character. His story is intended to be that of the "ultimate alpha male."  If you alter him to be a female, you are no longer telling the same story.  He is no longer the same character

    You can tell stories about a female British agent.  One who is as "hard boiled" as Bond. One who is as dedicated to queen and country as Bond.  One who is the "ultimate alpha female."  And they could be great stories. Nothing prevents a female from having such a role.  Look at Black Widow over the MCU for an example of such a successful female spy character.

    But why do you have to alter a male character into a female to tell such a story?  Are you suggesting that only a character who was original male could be successful as a spy?   

    Just create a female character who is just as dedicated and powerful as Bond.  And let Bond continue to be what his creator intended him to be - a male.

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Not sexist. Just a dumb idea.

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