Who are the "liberal haters"? They never identify their "group" that is better.?

It's pretty weak when you identify yourself fully by who you hate, not who you are. I can't seem to figure out who these people are that hate "liberals" so violently and identify themselves with histrionic pundits. Do we really have that many people on the far-right fascist fringe in the US? I find it hard to believe.


The whole "liberals want the government to control our lives" thing doesn't wash. Socialist liberals want better economic regulation to protect the little guy. Libertarians like myself want the government to STEP OFF in everything, including my business.

As far as "those with a brain", how would you define that exactly? Seems most artists, scientists, novelists, our founding fathers, even Jesus Christ himself was a liberal. So that arguement doesn't wash.

Still no answer to the question though, both answers so far seem to identify themselves with "everyone", which last poll was around 29%. "Everyone", I think, needs to be at least 50%.


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to the poster above me, communism and liberalism are polar opposites in the economic and political spectrum. Liberalism is supported by free market capitalism. Communism, as defined by Marx, is the successful outcome of Marxism when the need for the State ends and the state is destroyed.

To answer your question, they seem to come from all walks of life. They're not fascists, at least not all of them. They are for the most part followers and will never act on their own. This explains their need for rightwing pundits to tell them what to do and what to think.


The "liberal haters" come from virtually all walks of life. Hating liberals is not the commonality. Having a brain is the thing "liberal haters" have in common.


"liberal haters" are not necessarily fascists, but I'd say their drive to silence any and all ideas they deem "liberal" seems a bit authoritarian.

@ first poster: the far right IS fascist, by definition. extreme liberal views are communist. you seem ignorant of basic political ideological definition.. :/


the right isnt faciest .thats the libs.the libs want to tell us what to do and think the government should run our lives.and yes most people in america are right leaning.


Will, until you can ask a question that's not based on lies maybe you should just crawl back under your rock and suck your thumb...