Why can't Yahoo Answers put a button "continue reading questions"?

So when you stop to answer a question you can click on it and it will take you back to the last question you read instead of making you start all over reading from the beginning.

Thanks for your help.


That third answer is the best I've heard. I don't know why I didn't think of it. Thank you


Leadbelly that was you


The "Open in a new window" one!


Wow, my ability to "open in new window" stopped and now there is definition of question in there. WASSUP?????


Just rebooted...no prob.


Favorite Answer

there is one called "show me another"
but if you want it like that why don't you open the list in a topic
then right click a question and select "Open in a new window"
when you have done answering, close that window and you will revert to the list.


supply up hating on people who're partaking. some are right here to have relaxing.. some are right here to assist... some come just to act up... yet then some have diverse moods every time they arrive. in the event that they make the hassle to envision the question and respond, they might desire to get 2 factors.


Why not just hit the back button until you get back to the section of questions you were on?


Because you stole 2 o' my points??? Maybe thats why.

John Luke2006-06-10T21:14:23Z

This is a good suggestion, why don't you contact Yahoo about this?