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Anonymous asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What on earth is happening to Yahoo Answers?

I really used to love this site but people are just ruining it!!

Saturn5 gets along with all the anti McCanns even though he is pro McCann why can't others act with the same level of maturity? The whole McCann thing has been the demise of this site, none of us know each other yet some will quite joyfully report people for NO reason till their accounts get deleted. Why bother to do this in the first place, it's just spiteful! I think everyone is with me when I say we've had enough!!

Anyway that's enough ranting, does anyone have any ideas as to what we could do to stop the ruin of yahoo answers before it's too late?

(perhaps we could ALL start by forgetting the report abuse button even exists?)


Miss Principle's - thank you but I never really went anywhere, because of all the violations I changed my ID and avoided alot of the McCann Questions. Funny that I never got any violations as my other ID don't you think? just show's that someone was stalking me in the same way they have done to dave s, you and b2002 and plenty of others. I shouldn't have to hide away to protect my account though *sigh*

Update 2:

Remy B - you got it all wrong, I'm trying to say that people should respect other people's opinions and not hit the report abuse button just because they disagree with someone else's views!

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with most that you have said but we are not going to be able to stop certain people pressing the abuse button. These are people who do not answer a wide range of questions and appear to be on the website purely to report those with whom they do not agree. Yahoo must sort this problem out by actually reading the so called offending posts, preferably then issuing a violation notice against the reporter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not just the McCann debate. I'm one of those who hops around from one category to the next, and it's everywhere. Some people just can't seem to behave in a rational manner, and others are just trolls. The only suggestion I know of is the one you already made about forgetting the report abuse button. I never use it anyway, and wish others would do the same.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'Carr51.' I totally agree with your comments, and it is a pity if everyone cannot get on well as grown adults. I think they should do a Junior YA's and a Senior one. That way, the kids can ask and answer any questions, they want to ask others, (i.e. Homework, skateboarding, etc.) and then the adult site can ask anything to do with adults. YA's has gotten very stupid and it has even led to people losing their business and associate email addresses. There are also stalkers, stalking posters on here too. THIS MUST ALL STOP BEFORE SOMEONE GETS VERY HURT.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thanks for your kind words, and whilst I have no wish to sound ungracious I have to tell you that it has not always been this way.

    I was one of the worst offenders for making inappropriate comments, of that there is no doubt.

    I got drawn in to some very heated debates, then I remember Dave s posted saying that I hated him.

    To be honest this hit me hard, I could not believe that someone felt I hated them, it was this that made me realise it was time to change my ways.

    I have come to really like most of the regulars on here and I would be sad if this site were to close, or people were driven off of it.even Dave s who I still "argue" with and I think he has been treated very badly.

    I do not know what the answer is, but there are certainly a few really hateful sad little people who get their jollies by stalking and violating etc

    Sad pathetic thumb suckers who really do need to get a life and who have no bottle, all they can do is hide behind a avatar and key board.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Some people don't want to hear the truth and just report you. Like you said, some people just take a disliking to you and your answers and go after you. They should institue a way to check on the reasons why the abuse button is being used. A more one on one contact with Yahoo Answers and the person being reported as to why this is happening. Maybe then it could be traced back to some idiot just being rotten and they would get in trouble.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't agree more. I came to this site because there were people who could express themselves (maybe with a little more fire than others) and I appreciate that. I don't know am I odd to say I enjoy feeling a little challenged by others? I think people need to be a little less sensitive. I for one have only used that button in the most extreme cases and not over a disagreement with someones answer. Thanks for raising the topic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No you are getting a bit wound up without real reason. It all goes in cycles. The questions tend to follow the news topically . Some days the questions are boring,another day they are enervating. It's swings and roundabouts. Just take it as it comes and enjoy it. I have never used the report button at all. I have been reported a couple of times for upsetting somebody There are some people you cannot criticise at all. So silly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How right you are. It's OK to disagree but never OK to hold a grudge and that seems to be what is happening on here these days. It's nice to see Dave and saturn5 having a barney and then seeming like best buddies but horrible to see people reappearing on different accounts due to being banned. Half the time I don't know who is who these days due to cloning and people having accounts suspended. bb2002 is the latest proof of this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I remember it being quite rude on here at one point recently. You are right to change id and avoid certain qn's, I had to do that for a while too. Folk change id and avatar for loads of different reasons for a laugh in different groups. I say go private as all that does is stop 'following' if someone has it in for something you may have said.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always knew the internet could be a dangerous place but I honestly never expected to find spite and hatred like there has been lately on y/a. It is supposed to be a leisure activity not a battle ground.

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