What would be some reasons for you to turn to a life of crime?

Note: This question is hypothetical. Have some fun with this!


Thanks for all the cool answers!

John in Jersey2006-06-14T21:28:42Z

Favorite Answer

Greetings from inside the Yahoo Brain in New York City!
Hope you're catching the live webcast at: http://advision.webevents.yahoo.com/asktheplanet/brain.html !

It would probably only ever happen in that cliched movie plot situation: My family is threatened, and I must break into the Bank of England and obtain the contents of a certain lockbox in order to secure their safety.

Let's hope it never happens, because I'd be one lousy thief.

Hope this helps!

The Chesire Cat2006-06-14T19:51:52Z

When ypou are desperate and you have tried to make a good life for your family but seem to always keep failing and getting behind yourself..
Im 2 seconds away from doing it myself..I have been contemplating it..
We will see if I get into college to further my education and get a good job, if I dont there is no telling what I might do out of desperation..I have tried for many years to do the right thing and have always came out last nd feeling like I failed.
This is my last try before I end up doing something I am against morally..
I hope no one takes what I just said the wrong way..but this has actually been on my mind for a long time now.
I mam a 29 yr old mom who has worked full time at jobs since I was 16 and have failed..one more try to do it the right way ( I have never been in trouble , I have no criminal record or even a ticket)


If I had family members who were starving, I'd certainly steal food for them (can we say Les Miserables, anyone?). I think if it was a matter of survival for ourselves or our loved ones, anyone, no matter how righteous, could justify stealing.
I think it's all a matter of weighing the good against the bad. If your action at the time is more important to you than the potential consequences, then you wouldn't hesitate to break the law. If you don't think you're likely to be caught, you'll break the law (speeding!). There are tons of reasons that even the best of citizens could become criminals.


Turn to a life of crime? Pffft.... I already live one. As for the reason, well, I don't see any reason why not. Technically, I don't have to work, just steal, and I can have anything I want without paying for it! I don't even have to pay any bills, because I steal all of my services from the neighbor!


Getting fed up with everything and discurged by the way life is going, that would be one reason to commit a crime.

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