Is there a polite way to tell your boyfriend....?

that he spanks like an 80 year old with arthritis???


harder, harder doesn't work he thnks I mean other things...


X&Y...where can I get a copy of your book?


Favorite Answer

obviously he is concerned about injuring you... that is because he doens't know what he is doing... he hasn't learned the wrist technique that allows for maximum pain and redness without any real lasting damage...


Just flat out tell him. Not the wholr old guy with arthritis thing... but probably more in a nice way. Tell him you want him to spank you harder because the harder he spanks turns you on more. Perhaps he's afraid of actually hurting you, rather than turning you on. That's what my boyfriend was afraid of at first.
Communication is always key, especially with things like this.
If he STILL isnt spanking harder, tell him to rub THEN spank, usually that tends to make the hit feel harder than it is.


just tell him hit spanks like a little boy or an old old grand daddy who can just about get up out of the chair
or tell him if he can't spank you the way you want him to
you WILL get some one who will do the job properly
hen I bet he will do what you want after that
good luck

Miss D2006-06-17T19:35:49Z

Show him how it's done! Or you can say "mm spank me harder baby!" he will know exactly what you're talking about. Subtly doesn't work with men lol. Tell him exactly what you want!


haha first off tell him to do some hand strengthening excercises, then if that doesnt work tell him you want to spank him and then hit him with a 2x4 and say "thats the way I want it Bi**h" :)

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