A question about STD's?

My boyfriend and I are clean, we've never had any sort of sexual contact, yet we're moving towards that direction and want to go there. We're willing to use condoms but we'd feel it wouldn't.. be pure in a sense. So i'm wondering, we're both clean, don't have anything. We're very loyal to each other, so there's no chance of an outside source, and trust me, there isn't. Is it possible for us to catch anything, when it's just the two of us not using condoms? This is somethng that's been on our minds for awhile with no one really able to give us an answer. We'd like to know before we do anything so we don't regret. I find it highly doubtful that we could catch anything, but stranger things have happened. Please answer my question and thank you.


My boyfriend and I are clean, we've never had any sort of sexual contact, yet we're moving towards that direction and want to go there. We're willing to use condoms but we'd feel it wouldn't.. be pure in a sense. So i'm wondering, we're both clean, don't have anything. We're very loyal to each other, so there's no chance of an outside source, and trust me, there isn't. Is it possible for us to catch anything, when it's just the two of us not using condoms? This is somethng that's been on our minds for awhile with no one really able to give us an answer. We'd like to know before we do anything so we don't regret. I find it highly doubtful that we could catch anything, but stranger things have happened. Please answer my question and thank you.

An Edit: We are both virgins, we've never had ANY sort of sexual contact with anyone else, we want to lose it to each other.


Edit: Apparently people are getting the wrong impression, there are no females in this relationship. I am a GUY with another GUY. We cannot get pregnant, this is not the movie Junior. That's why i asked this under the "Gay and Bisexual and Lesbian and Transsexual" Category.


Favorite Answer

If you're thinking STDs like gonorrhoea, syphillis and of course HIV you're probably okay.

You should take great care however that you don't get thrush or non-specific urethritis (NSU), for example. Randy_W (didn't check to see if he's answered) will advise against anal sex because it is full of germs and nasties (that are safe AS LONG AS they stay in the colon).

Barebacking seem's great in principle - but it IS FOOLHARDY. Wear the condoms if you're planning on doing any sort of anal penetration. Make sure that they're an extra thick variety and use plenty of water-based lube.

If you're going to stick to rubbing and oral then you can get away without them.

Enjoy and remember to take it slow; so that you can savour each other this first special time.

Dustin Lochart2006-06-24T23:32:44Z

There is no reason to practice unsafe sex. There is no way to be certain of a person's sexual history. Trust is often misplaced.

I have been with my boyfriend for <in a week or so> 16 years and we never did it without a condom until we celebrated our 10th anniversary. There is no need to start out doing it wrong.

Nobody believes they will catch an STD when they have unprotected sex. If they did, they wouldn't do it. If you start making reasons to do it unsafe now, you will continue that pattern later on.

The gift of virginity is pure enough. Save the other gift until you have been together for a long time. Make that your rule for life and you will not regret it. I promise you.


Well you may want to get test first of all before you have intercorse because you can get AIDs and HIV and stuff like that through blood contact sometimes and some through slavia other than that if you both are clean the only thing to worry about when not using a condom is pregnacy you should start taking the pill or get shots at least a moth before you have intercorse


Well, if you know for sure that you don't have an STD then just hope that your boyfriend is being honest. There's no way you can catch anything if you are both clean. Unless your boyfriends mother had an STD and passed it to him during child birth. Or... if any you were making out with other mates... STDs can be passed by kissing. If you don't trust eachother the safest way is to go get TESTED!

And though you might not get an STD you can get PREGNANT!



if you can believe your able to stay only with each other ,,then no problem,,, but discuss birth controll ,,,maybe your not ready to raise a child ,,,so go and get some birth controll pills from a planned parent hood,,, and or use the condoms and a foam spermicide ,,,the singles and relationship areas in here,,, is full of children with babies ,,,and living at home ,,and the boyfriends out with others,,, or shes pregnant again ,,,and not married ,,and niether having a job,, JOB,,, money to raise kids,,, so use something ,,,and pure sex isnt just about feeling bare skin ,,,its about love,,,, and adapting,,, to be able to live a real and mature life together ,,,,not raising children alone ,,,,or the parents having no retirement,,, because they have another child to raise,, yours ,an olde dude

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