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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsSTDs · 1 decade ago

Std Std Std Std!?

Well, im having a lot of discharge and I got bumps down there in the area of my lips. I cant decide if its an STD or a Reaction/Rash. Problem being, yes I have done stuff with my bf. Not sex, but oral and stuff. He hasent done anything with anybody besides me and he didnt have one from his mom, so im really sure hes 100% STD free. But, I was forced to give a guy a ******** 3 years ago. He didnt ejaculate in my mouth, it was a 5 second thing cause I pulled away from him and screamed. So he just left. Well I dont know if that would give me an STD especially in my genitals. Does Oral sex lead to STDS in the genitals?


Well what I red about the bumps didnt seem like a STD. I know a lot of guys lie, but I believe him. I was his first gf, his first kiss. We are 15, and I know he hasent been with anyone else. With the bumps though, I believe I got them after swimming in a pool with just boxers on(No undies) cause the bumps are the same color as my you know, and come and go depending on if I go swimming. I used to have like 32, now i only have about 10 cause I stopped swimming. They come back if I go swimming, thats why I thought it was a reaction.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Realistically, this may simply be a yeast infection. I would definitely see a doctor just to be sure.

    Yeast infections are caused when there is an imbalance in the natural yeast that you have - this may be caused by wearing tight underwear, wearing a swimsuit (and not getting yourself dry), poor diet - a many number of things.

    I would not want you to self-treat. You can go to a local doctor or planned parenthood to get a proper diagnosis.

    BTW - Oral sex can give you the oral versions of STD's - it doesn't magically move to the genitals, however. And oral sex is still sex. Forced oral sex is against the law. (much less that oral sex, in itself, is illegal in some states)

    And this might be a good opportunity to remind you to be safe!

  • 1 decade ago

    U can get STD by oral. Red bumps cand dischage u need to go see a doctor. U never know your boyfriend may have cheated on u I had to break the news to several patients in the past few years and a lot of them were in denile.


    I worked in a OBGYN clinic for 6 years :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i have to agree with jaelee on this one, i don't see it making sense that you would get rashes and bumps down there only through oral sex, or if you've never been exposed to a STD or STI, you need to ask your boyfriend again if he's cheated on you, other than that consult a doctor and see what the problem is.

  • 1 decade ago

    it sounds like u definitly have an std. is the discharge white like a yeast infection? does it include itching? u might have herpes. and unless u r with ur bf 100% of the time u cant say ur the only one hes been with. a man will pull lies out his tryin to cover his tracks. even the most "caring trusting" men. trust me hon ive been thru it. thought i had a perfect man but he wasnt and i got herpes from it. go to ur dr before talkin with ur bf to see wats goin on. then if u do have somethin dont take any excuses dump him. he aint worth it. if u need someone to talk to u can email me at

    good luck hon

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  • Nancy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    there is more aids in the gay community. Ya there is. The best way not to get std's is stay with one partner for life.

  • 1 decade ago

    sweetheart, not trying to be mean are anything but your boyfriend has cheated on you. A man nwill tell you anything to look innocent as well as a women we do the same thing to. The best thing would to be to get checked their are so manys std's out their they even have stds that people have never heard of you would be suprised but for your sake go the doctor to get checked out.

    Source(s): A caring person
  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Herpes Treatment
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