My son has been diagnosed as having Tibial Torsion, and Metarsus Adductus?

Has anyone ever experienced this with their child, and what was the outcome? The orthopedic doctor said he would most likely outgrow it by the time he is 3,(he is 16 months now) but I am concerned he won't. Any serious answers would be appreciated! Thanks


Favorite Answer

I'm so glad you saw an orthopedic doctor. It took a long time for me to get a referral for my son.

My son currently wears special inserts inside of his sneakers, and they have helped him immensely (he also has flat feet). He started wearing them when he was 4, after he was complaining that his legs hurt when walking even short distances. He went to some physical therapy sessions, and has stretching and strength exercises to do at home. He is going to be 7 this year, and has no pain whatsoever when walking now. We haven't gone back to the orthopedic specialist yet this year, but when he last went, they saw a large improvement. If he reaches the age of 3 and hasn't outgrown it, I would suggest looking into options. If you are really concerned, get a second opinion - it NEVER hurts to be on the safe side where your child's health is concerned.

l l2006-06-30T19:47:29Z

Have never heard of that. Try doing some research on the net. is a good site. Good luck to you and your son


I'm sorry - I haven't heard of those - I am sorry to hear your son has to deal with these

Try checking web MD or yahoo health

Good luck!


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