Do you consider yourself to be intellectual?
If yes OR if no, do you enjoy being AROUND people you consider to be intellectual?
If yes OR if no, do you enjoy being AROUND people you consider to be intellectual?
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Yes, I consider to be an intellectual. For one parte is good, everybody ask you but for other part It create a envy. I think so That every person have some special. We must look it.
Yes, I enjoy being around intelligent people. However, not everyone is intellectual on every subject, right? Some feel they know everything, but actually don't. I don't know everything, that is why I ask questions and do research. And, there are some things I just as soon not know or discuss. So it would be good to define what you mean by INTELLECTUAL.
Michael C
My intellect has very intimately affected the way I live my life. By second grade I was, more or less, too much for elementary school. The other kids never related to me except on a purely physical level.
Through my adolescent years, the trend continued. I began ignoring my classes and the requests of my teachers. There wasn't much point. We are social creatures. I needed friends.
Now in adulthood, I seek out activities targeted for the imaginationless masses. The local bar is a source of bittersweet for me. On the one hand, I feel like I can interact with the average joe. On the other, I'm always scared to tell people what I do or use polysyllabic or rare words, lest I become exposed for what I am.
Intellect goes far beyond how you consider yourself. The context of your daily life, and the comparisons against those around you, are just as important.
jenni jones
Yes, I consider myself to be intellectual. I would much rather be around people who are on the same level (intellectually that is). The conversation gets tiresome when you are speaking with people who cannot keep up with it.
I might be, or I could be allowing my vanities to over ride my judgment. I am the only me I have so I do like to think I've some degree of intelligence, but I also feel it's very important to be humble if in fact I am so blessed. I greatly enjoy the company of smart folk, my word can they ever expand upon ideas; take you to other planets and convince you that it will work! Of course I've my own idea's too, but that would be telling; and I'm a much better listener anyway. Thank you for asking this question.