Should I get a PC or an Apple?

I am thinking about replacing my old PC. Should I get an Apple or another PC? I am tired of Microsoft's poor quality operating system.


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I use both okay... I really don't care about either company in specific, but when it comes down to quality, and inovation, apple blows away they compatition by miles.
Im on a pc right now, and in fact, i have never personally owned a mac, but i won't deny that it is absolutely worth the extra cash for the apple stuff.

but if your used to windows and just use computers to talk to your friends online, use myspace, check your email, and post answers on yahoo answers with your computer, then I would definetly just save some money and buy a new pc.


omg pc!!! apple, although they claim they are better and hassle free....are not. Apple computers don't have viruses, not because they are better, it's because no one likes them or bothers to mess with a stupid device to cause others problems because apple does a good enough job doing that themselves without a viruses help. I have both an apple OS X and a self built pc and I have to say, although microsoft isn't the easiest to work with, they are 10x better. Have you seen the ads for apple with intel chips? Although the apple computer may claim to be able to do all this stuff, a pc with an amd chip can do far more with lower req then an apple. Do not believe the ads, just go with what you know, stick with the pc. An apple is more expensive and more hassle. Many people think apple is better with graphics and such, but if you just load a pc with a good vid card and the software you like, you can blow apple's "better graphics" out of the water. beware, apple's are for people who know nothing about computers, cannot figure out how to use pc's so they get frustrated and switch, or for people who have too much money on their hands and want the supposedly "most popular" thing.


Apple is definitely a better choice.

While Windows will be unveiling Vista in 2007, it will only catch up to Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger)'s features. Mac will have Leopard (10.5), which will blow away Vista.

Mac has a history of being reliable and safe.

I was a Windows user, then switched to mac, and haven't been happier.

Plus, if you still need Windows, Intel Macs run them with Boot Camp or Parallels...


Apple Macintosh is cooler and sexier than any homestead windows gadget. they are in all probability the main suitable for surprisingly much something you go with to do different than perplexing-middle gaming besides the fact that if Blizard video games play properly on Macs. That suggested, it remains surprisingly reachable to apply an identical variety of computer all of us around you is employing. in some circumstances you ought to use a definite piece of application and choose the computer which will run it, so examine out the appliance heavily. relish whichver you get.


It depends on what you are using your computer for. If you are doing high end graphics, you definately want an Apple. If you are using basically word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, etc. then either will work.

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