I had posted a question earlier that i had a very sick dog - just had puppies three weeks ago! Wont use her tongue to eat, is having vaginal discharge!? People responded to have me take her to another vet, which I took her to two other vets, and each vet ran a complete check on blood work exam, etc. Which I am now is the hole $1200.00 so far,she has normal levels of EVERYTHING! Including her calcium level! So to the people that were mean to me and ridiculed me for not seeing and knowing that she had Eclampsia you were WRONG! Looks like gizzzzzzy2000, (which bet their licence on it) should give up the license since that person doesnt even know how to spell it, let alone know how to diagnose, wow another know it all! All three vets are lost with what to do with her, one is calling our main university to get a consultation on what it could be. To the people that care I will be sure to let you know what they find out so you can help other's in need that might also have this experience.
She has had ultrasounds, xrays, they said that what they were doing was almost completly pointless because with her being this far past having pups, everything would be liquid, and absorbed. My grandma once told me that god only gives you what he knows you can handle, apparently he thinks I have got one heck of an open schedule! Sorry you got to laugh sometimes or you just break down!
Just for some small info, they are thinking an infection that affects the muscles, then to proceed with steriods, but they are waiting till they can talk to the university, but the sad news is that she might have a pyometria, and if so it is took far advanced and she will have to be put down, or we can spend 1800.00 on a very special surgery that is not even 75%
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well i dont want to critize-- and this website was probably first made so people who are well educated can answer your smart, intelligent questions- but now it is more like ask stupid, silly questions and get people to answer that know nothing about your questions just to get points or critize you- and i dont think thats thats right and im with you all the way
so now if u really want a smart, intelligent answer dont come to this site-- and dont take major risks on what people on this site say
i hope that ur dog will be okay, cause i have already lost many dogs in my life and i know that it isnt easy- and u r a good person for caring so much about your dog and spending so much money on her
A very sick mama dog is an extremely stressful situation. And I understand your anger at some of the answers that you received. It is normal for you to want to vent back to these folks some of your anger and frustration. So, try to remain calm and keep your focus on your dog & pups. Don't let this cloud your true goal - a healthy dog. And yes, I would love to know this outcome.
Kudos to you for your quick action in caring for 7 pups! It isn't easy!
I wish that more people would realize that there are situations that stump even the best of vets. While the calicum issue is the most common with these symptoms, it is not the only cause. And your dedication to this dog and her pups is very, very admirable.
So, you know that you are responding to this crisis in the best manner possible. You are doing all you can do in an extremely difficult situation. Let God sort out the rest. Peace
Just as a question- did anyone do radiographs or an ultrasound. I know that we have had lab work turn out great, but we still opened the dog up and found some unpleasant things in there. What kind of dog was it? Where the pups born naturally or through c- section and if c-section, was she spayed at the same time? Hope the university can help!
Wrongs can be different between cultures and can change over time. Some cultures believe that certain food must be prepared in a certain way and it is wrong to do otherwise. That wrong my have evolved before refrigeration was available and so may no longer be applicable. Even so, there will be some who follow the tradition just because it worked for prior generations. For people who believed in the necessity for racial purity some people it was wrong to have integrated schools, shared restaurants and bathrooms. For people who believed in male superiority, it used to be wrong for women to expect equal pay. For populations that were dying because of disease or loss of life in war and natural disaster, one can imagine that homosexuality was discouraged because it diverted sexual energy from reproduction. I suspect that if you check the 10 Commandments you will find that each was described to discourage actions that tended to have bad results for those societies at that time and probably still does. In many cases, just as you have described and to the developed world of the 21st century, these bad results appear quite logical. In Biblical times, only a few understood the logic or had the wisdom. Moses was very wise indeed and knew that the long suffering Tribes would never have believed he could personally have such wisdom but if he described these as the words of God, well . . . . . .
I am certainly no vet, and could be way off base....but was she ever X-rayed, to make sure she didn't have a dead puppy still inside? Also, was her throat checked to make sure she didn't have an obstruction? Sometimes we can't "see the forest, for the trees". Having just had puppies, the doctors could be looking into puppy-related things....when it could be something else entirely. Having nothing to do with giving birth. That could be throwing them in the wrong direction, for a correct diagnosis. Just a thought. As I said, I'm not a vet.