Can I strangle the next person that asks about Yahoo messenger being down?

Sheesh people! Get a grip! And maybe read some of the other 10 billion questions about it before you make yet another one.


Favorite Answer

If you do can I watch? I would love to see that. Also, if you could do it in slow motion that would be even better


*asks about why YIM is down* Ha... ^_^.

Oh and btw, the people who have something against the multiple conplation about this, then if you guys dont like the IM, or such a case, then why are you even writing this down? Theres really no use to it, unless you do care for YIM, just trying to take out the anger of other countless people trying to get it. Plus, the addition people who ask these questions want to make sure their not the only one. Regardless of the amount of people already asking, they either are really upset and want to hear this from their question, or that their too fustrated and want a simple straight answer to them. This also builds up other open conversations, as in talking back to them.

"Hey, isnt that Dry Bones?"
"Naw...Thats his brother."
"Wait...Then what happened to..."

Ima Random Thought2006-07-22T16:45:26Z

If only!!! I've seen so many questions regarding Y! Messenger that my brain is about to fry! If people would pay attention they would see that this question has been asked a hundred times already!

Oh well, free points anyway...




You can't strangle them but you can message them with a mean message! That will teach them... Wait, my messenger is down? Maybe you can't message them. Why is my messenger down?

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