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KIMSNG-130405: Why can't I see Yahoo! Messenger in my Yahoo! Mail account?

Description: This addresses an issue where customers are reporting that the Yahoo! Messenger for Mail feature is not visible or is missing from their Yahoo! Mail account.

Current Status: Our engineers are actively investigating this issue and working to provide a resolution as quickly as possible.

Workaround: Try performing the steps in the article 'Why are features missing from my Yahoo! Mail account?':

If those steps do not resolve your issue, please reply to this Known Issue statement with the browser you are using and the Operating System installed on your computer.


This Known Issue post is for Yahoo! staff to communicate current known issues to benefit Yahoo! customers. We do not gain extra Answers points for questions added to this “Known Issues” category.

Update 2:

*Music Seawater* - I do understand your concern and the naming of this 'Known Issue' category. In all honesty, that is the basis of this category. When we post a known issue here, this is to show the Messenger Community that these issues are on our list of 'urgent repairs'. If you've noticed in the past few months, there have been other known issue posts that were mentioned here, although those have since been resolved and repaired.

This problem will fit the same criteria. We are actively investigating the cause and a resolution, so do know that your voices and concerns are being heard.

We appreciate your input and would love to hear more ideas of how we could improve the Community to be suit our customers needs.

Thanks again!

Update 3:

*PITTFAN*, *felinesrus*, *tas666* - We've made some back end adjustments and you three should be able to view Yahoo! Messenger in Mail correctly now. Please let us know if you're still having trouble using the feature.

Update 4:

*Kelly Salmon* - We've made an adjustment to your account. Please try accessing Yahoo! Messenger in Mail again.

Update 5:


Customers are also reporting that there is a problem with Yahoo! Messenger signing out immediately after signing in. We have our engineers working on this and we will let the Community know when there is a resolution.

Update 6:

**UPDATE 5/3/2013**

The Yahoo! Messenger engineers have updated Yahoo! Messenger in Mail and it should now be visible for all customers. If you still don't see Yahoo! Messenger in your Yahoo! Mail account, please reply to this Known Issue post and let us know!

Update 7:

**UPDATE 5/16**

All Yahoo! Customers should be able to see Messenger in Mail once again. A new fix has been pushed this morning and this should resolve all issues. Like the previous update, please reply to this post if you still encounter a problem after clearing browser cache and cookies.

47 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    These steps listed did not resolve because when I click of gear icon, there is on option for full feature mode. Also, clearing browsers cookies and cache did not work.

    I have windows 7 and have upgraded to IE 10. Could this be the issue using IE10?

  • 4 years ago

    Yahoo Mail Messenger Online

  • 8 years ago

    Messenger in Yahoo Mail isn't loading properly. I try signing in but it doesn't do it the first time or second or third. When it finally shows me online it says I have no contacts online when I know that there are people on line. I try sending messages and the person never receives it. They try sending me and I never receive. That's when it keeps me signed in long enough to try sending messages. Usually signs me out within a few minutes, though people say I appear online on their contact lists. I have two yahoo accounts and am having this issue on both accounts on my computer (works ok at work). I tried all the steps mentioned above on both browsers. I started having this issue 4 days ago.

    I am using a Mac OS X 10.6.8 on both Safari 5.1.9 and latest version of Chrome.

  • 8 years ago

    Whenever I try to message something to someones phone, it doesn't show up in the chat history. And if it does it takes forever to show. Also when i have the chat window open from Yahoo mail, when I send something I don't get the persons response and i have to refresh or log out a few times, and then it still doesn't notify me of a chat message, I then have to go the chat history and that's when I see I received a chat message, and by then its been 20-30 minutes since that person sent it. Help.

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  • 8 years ago

    It sure would be nice if yahoo would get their act together and fix this issue. My friends and I have had issues for a month now.... every since the messenger 'upgrade'. I have been having to use an alternate chat website. It looks like I may have to stick with the alternate if yahoo can't sort this out.

  • 8 years ago

    I've been experiencing the same issue, I have cleared my internet cache, have changed browsers and have tried accessing from various workstations running everything from windows XP to Vista, to Windows 7 and 8 and I still can not get this feature to work. Every time I log in I get a message that says loading chat but after some time it just switches to offline and does not ever allow me to change the status. Please resolve this issue already, it is quite frustrating that I'm not able to use this to communicate with my colleagues as I usually would.

  • 8 years ago

    After clearing my browser(s) cache, and testing with different browsers and computers, and having a friend log in using her account to the same browser(s)/computer and being able to access Messenger via Yahoo Mail, I'm out of ideas of what to try. The Messenger item along the left never appears, and the Messenger Options never shows up in the Options menu. "Show Full Features" also doesn't show up in my Options menu. Everything worked fine until yesterday... now, I get nothing for Messenger in my Yahoo Mail acct...??

  • Bill
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    A few months ago my ability to read readers comments and use Yahoo! Messenger stopped. Would these two be related with one of your glitches? A few weeks ago I was surprised to see the readers comments after a foreign news article (Teens go berserk in Stockholm) and was able to post a comment. Then I tried logging onto YM which remained unsuccessful.

    I clear out the cookies, etc all the time plus don't use anything else except IE with Win 7 on a new HP desktop. No games, no camera, no nuttin.

  • 7 years ago

    I do not know why Google and yahoo cannot work together, in cooperation, each have excellent tools; I wish to use messenger, but it disrupts my Google chrome which is one of the best programs for research, so I cannot message due to that. If both could be compatible people could enjoy both, and working in conglomeration with each other could profit both companies, but thy seemingly refuse too. If anyone could direct how to use both I'd like it.

  • 8 years ago


    I can't get the Messenger Chat feature within Yahoo Mail to work. I had to upgrade from Mail Classic on March 22nd when the Chat/IM feature was no longer supported, and it has not worked correctly since I upgraded. I saw this answer and thought I may be in the "basics mode", but don't have a "gear" to click on in the upper right hand corner to switch to "full feature mode". I also cleared the browser history and cache in both browsers I use and nothing has helped. I use, so it may be slightly different. I contacted AT&T first, but they said it was a Yahoo known issue, but no idea when it would be fixed, so I came here for help. I use Windows XP and the problem exists with both Chrome and IE8 on two different computers.

    UPDATE: 4/22/13 - Has anyone rec'd help for this problem? I'm still having this issue, and it looks like Yahoo helped people who posted two weeks ago, but have any of us who posted within the last week been helped? I've had this same problem 3 weeks now. All was good until Yahoo forced me to upgrade from Mail Classic because Chat would no longer be supported. I use this feature for work as well as personal, and it is VERY frustrating not to be able to get any help.

    UPDATE 4/24/13 - Suggestion for those still frustrated - you can download a stand-alone version of Yahoo Messenger which works until they get the Chat within Yahoo mail working again.

    UPDATE 5/2/13 - I have confirmed the issue has nothing to do with a specific computer or browser. I logged into my account on a friend's computer who also has Yahoo mail. His Messenger option worked, but mine didn't. Same thing when he logged into his account on my computer. His Messenger option worked and mine didn't. I checked with AT&T again, and they said it had nothing to do with the mail version we have, so I don't understand why it works for one person and not another on the same computer. And, why is it taking so long to get this fixed???????

    *****UPDATE 5/7/13*****

    I use and messenger still won't load in the mail program and goes immediately offline, and I can't change it. I also can't see my online contacts. Nothing has changed for me since your engineers fixed something on 5/3/13. Problem still exists.

    ******UPDATE 5/20/13*****

    The fix you reported on 5/16 has not fixed my problem. Chat still says it's loading, then goes immediately offline, and I can't change the status to available. Also, can't see my online contacts. A friend can log on to his Yahoo mail on my computer, and his messenger works just fine, so it has nothing to do with the operating system or browser being used. His mail version looks different than mine, however, I was told by AT&T that the mail version is not the issue.

  • 7 years ago

    I cannot see my boyfriend on yahoo messenger anymore...the green lite next to his name is not lit like it use to be & it always tells me he is offline,but yet i still get messages from him...We have fights all the time because he tells me he is on & i don't believe him.Is there anyway you can hide your name so it will look like you are offline...He blames it on Yahoo & i'm believing him now that i have seen all these others...Yahoo you screw up every time you change things...Can't you leave well enough alone!!!


    Fix it!!!!!

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