I need a hand book or notes on how to design a radiative heating system.Does any one have any designs?

I am intending on using black tube type infrared gas burner heaters.
My attempts to contact via email have been answered as out of office.To date I have been reverse engineering a consultation/quote based on mounting them at 6metres height and at 45 degrees. I have used cosine law, Inverse Square and a knowledge of lighting design to work out the irradiances at different heights for a directly overhead arrangement.
However the problem is I have had to assume the original idea from the sales person was spot on. Whenever I contact them I get a rule of thumb type response. They are too far away to just pop in when I come across something different.I need enough info to check my figures basically. Also I want enough info to proceed with some confidence. I have had some issues with some so called heating engineers in the past and these people don’t seem to have the knowledge required. please don't suggest alternatives I am trying to heat a large well vented shed


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There are solid texts on heat and mass transfer. The one for my heat transfer class had two solid chapters including hundreds of design problems. The author was Incropera. You should check it out.

Some areas of heat transfers are an empirically driven approximate science. They arent trivially approximate, and the better approximations vary from each other by a few pieces of one percent.