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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

So… Is Intelligent Design a theory, hypothesis or a dogma?

If it is a theory please supply a list of references from peer reviewed journals (geology, biology, paleontology , etc) that would support its status as a theory.

If it is a hypothesis please suggest a few experiments that would confirm or refute the hypothesis. What results might you expect?

If it is your chosen dogma feel free to close your eyes and mind to anything that might disagree with your ignorance.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    None of the above...merely wishful thinking.

    It is not a 'scientific' theory, since it does not admit of testing...

    It is not presented as a hypothetical...for there is no 'WHAT IF' about it for believers.

    It is not a 'dogma" since it is not maintained by any religious body as absolutly true and necessary of belief...such as the Trinity, or or the salvific nature of Christ, or the necessity of being born again.

    If bible thumpers had been able to completely disprove the theory of evolution, they would not have had to resort to anything as unprovable as an Intelligent Designer...especially since so much of the Universe is anything BUT intelligently designed. LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's worse than just dogma. It's dogma that Christians have feebly tried to disguise as science using half-truths, flawed logic, and unsupportable assumptions.

    If Biblical Creationism is indisputable fact, then one must wonder why they've gone to such lengths to dress it up as a scientific theory instead of just honestly presenting it as it stands... as the ultimate truth it's supposed to be? Maybe it's because people are becoming too educated and sophisticated to keep buying into millenia-old superstitions to answer all the big questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely dogma with a touch of fairy-tales backed by nothing more than an old book which has been re-written many times over the years.

  • 1 decade ago

    What do you do for a living? Let's say you make eggrolls...let's say it takes 5 ingredients. How about you take those 5 ingredients and throw them up in the air together. Will it land on the table with 5 eggrolls made?

    Common sense says that nothing can come about by chance. Just like you having to go to work in the morning....can you be dressed and ready without having to get dressed and ready?

    Life was organized with laws and order. Those laws and order were placed there by a intelligent designer. Can there possibly be a design without a designer? How can a painted picture be viewed without someone to paint it?

    The Bible clearly states at Hebrews 3:4 "Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God."

    If you feel that too much suffering is happening on earth for there to be no Creator, then understand that the reason behind it is found at 1 John 5:19.

    Source(s): Further info found at
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  • 1 decade ago

    Reliable methods for detecting design exist and are employed in forensics, archeology, and data fraud analysis. These methods can easily be employed to detect design in biological systems.

    As Dr. Stephen Meyer said (when being interviewed by Nightline), “From the evidence of the information that’s embedded in DNA, from the evidence of the nanotechnology in the cell, we think you can infer that an intelligence played a role. In fact, there are sophisticated statistical methods of design detection that allow scientists to distinguish the effects of an intelligent cause from an undirected natural process. When you apply those statistical measures and criteria to the analysis of the cell, they indicate that the cell was designed by an intelligence.”

    The four main areas the ID movement focuses on: Information Theory, Irreducible Complexity, The Anthropic Principle, and The Design Inference.

    Here is a brief overview of the scientific case for ID:

    And for those who put so much faith in peer-review, check this out:

    Here is a growing list of scientists who signed “A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism”:

    Here is a helpful reference guide with the Neo-Darwinian view next to the Intelligent Design view:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the creation of adam and eve is a future story. In the future humans will be capable of creating a new species that is better than human. Unfortunately this new species will decide to exterminate the human race. this will be done with the genetic bomb. God does not like genetic bombs so adam and eve will be bannished from the garden of eden.

  • It's little more than creative story-telling.

    It makes no predictions and yields no practical applications. It's not even testable. The idea boils down to: "gosh, this is complex... nature couldn't've done it!"

    Even when mountains of studies demonstrate quite the opposite of irreducible complexity, ID supporters look the other way and insist they're correct.

    It's dogma.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not a theory, not hypothesis, it's not even really dogma.

    It's just a way to circumvent not being allowed to teach Genesis in public schools.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dogma. Science starts with evidence and tries to figure out what is causing the evidence to form a conclusion. Intelligent Design starts with a conclusion and searches for evidence to back it up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well stated.

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