I want to go through an alternative pathway. I've got my master's degree in Physics and after spending several years doing practical physics have decided I want to teach at the high school level. Has anyone been through this in NC?
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http://teach4nc.org/ has a listing of alternate liscensure programs Good luck, we are in desparate need of science teachers. Also.. Take the Praxis I and II for your area. Your local county office can tell you which tests you need to take for the field you are interested in..
I strongly suggest you volunteer in a real classroom with real students first before you commit yourself. I would say actual teaching is about 50% of the job. Meetings, adjunct duties, correcting papers, administative paperwork, politics, etc are the other 50%. Teaching is not for everyone so you should be sure. Also keep in mind knowing a subject and being able to teach it effectively are two VERY different things.