What is the strangest craving you or someone you know has/has had during their period?

The bloody nightmare can cause some strange behavior in girls and sometimes even their guys. What's the strangest or craziest thing you have ever craved or heard someone crave?

Specific details please!


Favorite Answer

I crave hummus and ice cream (not mixed). Also plantain chips!


More like a poll than a question xD

But hmm.. I remember craving plums and I saw this commercial for Sonic on TV, and I REALLY wanted a sandwich from there.

Too bad their isn't one sonic restaurant in the whole Northeast region of the U.S. -_-



My aunt use to crave red clay dirt. I've never seen it but I've heard of it.

Cali Honey2006-08-06T15:54:02Z

Let's see, my best friend had cravings for mango and pickles, and her man wanted to strangle her

♥◦◊◦Brown eyed babe◦◊◦♥2006-08-06T17:12:39Z

i crave choclate
sumtimes pickles and once i craved for carrots with cream cheese

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