What would you have done?

I'm watching an advanced screening of a movie at a cinema. The invite says no cameras allowed and cell phones must be set to vibrate or switched off. The girl besides me starts taking a video of the movie on her phone. The light from the phone is too bright and distracts me so I remind her of the rule about not bringing cameras in. She looks annoyed but stops, then starts texting people (plural) and making business calls. Yes, the light from her gadgets is still distracting me. I tell her politely that she's keeping me from enjoying the movie and she asks "what's your problem?" So......"snap."

I grab 2 cell phones, a laptop, an iPod from my backpack, switch them "on" and jam it up to her face (didn't touch her) then I said "Can you see the movie now !@#$%^&*()?" in a voice loud enough for the whole audience to hear.

Then it got really ugly.

I look back at it and laugh but I'd like to know what you guys would have done in my place.
The usher kicked her out btw.


I would have called an usher and complained but then she could have just denied doing anything wrong....


changing seats wouldn't have worked. It was a full house.


To Somebody: the usher asked the people around and decided she started the whole thing.


Favorite Answer

LoL. Love it! I probablt would have tried the sweet approach. Sugar usually works wonders. But if it didn't then I would have gotten in her face too... I like your approach. You made your point. Some people are so selfish.


well you left the really ugly part out of the story. I guess you proved your point to her. If I would have sat on your other side, I would have busted out laughing. It is sad that people forget their manners with cellphones. I think it will get even worse, the last few weeks I noticed those wireless earsets a lot. I applaud you for speaking up, I would have looked for a spot less distracting.


~~although i can understand your anger, and frustration, after asking her politely to stop, do you think looking back it would have been better to excuse yourself like you were going to use the facillities and had an usher handle the problem right from the get go? btw... were you also asked to leave for getting loud?~~

Kevin E2006-08-22T07:17:31Z

a little much don't know if I would have gone that far but you were and are a little hero to many right now so you go girl


I would have called the usher immediately.

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