Has school started in your area yet?

Schools started in my area on August 21. I think it's too early.


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Yes, it started yesterday. It didn't use to start until after Labor Day, but the school district changed it last year. It does seem early though.


I started on August 10.


August 21 isn't as early as where I live. I live in Paulding County,Georgia, which is near Atlanta and Georgia has some of the earliest school starting dates in the USA. School started for Paulding County on August 7, 2006. Kennesaw State University, the school I attend started fall classes on August 18, 2006.


Tampa Florida started August 3rd.


I'm in Greece and I'm an art teacher. Elementary schools will start on September 18, high schools and lycees (senior high schools) on September 11. Summer ends quickly!

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