What was the population of the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes) in pre-human times?
Please include sources if you have them.
I believe it was classified in by Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841
Please include sources if you have them.
I believe it was classified in by Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841
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This species is endemic to New Zealand, and occurs only in the south-east of the South Island and sub-antarctic islands of New Zealand. It is currently rare, and considered as threatened in the South Island.
The fossil record indicates that they were probably common in the northern South Island, and certainly their density has decreased due to the introduced predatory mammals. I haven't been able to find figures for estimated population density, but I'm including some links that I hope will be useful.
I worry that your penguin had a different name, since the eariest reference to it that I can find is from 1951:
The Flightless Birds
Sexual Behavior in Penguins
L. E. Richdale
I would say 12, 476, 934. Prove me wrong.
no it was 12,476,935 you missed one