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Pre-flood population statistics and nowadays - shocking facts?

Pre-flood population estimations range from 300 thousand to 17 billion.

8 people survived the flood

If we were to be generous (if that’s the right choice of word!), and say that the population was no more than 300 thousand (thereby reducing the death to survivor ratio), which is very unlikely for it to be that low, the survivor to death ratio would be:

1 : 37500

That is, for every survivor, 37500 died, i.e. only 2.7% survived!

Translating these figures to our day, only 18 million people (out of 6.7 billion) would “walk through” Armageddon (God’s Judgment Day) alive.

Obviously, some people would say that the badness of man had reached such a peak back then that God had to destroy THAT many, whereas on judgement "day" things would be different.

Not according to Jesus it wouldn’t. Jesus said that people in the last day (the period right before God’s judgement) would be just like the pre-floods days - Luke 17:26-30 Matthew 24:37-39

Even if God had gotten more passive and “laid back” over the years, and decided to let more people survive, you cannot escape the fact that the death to survival ratio was massive (not even nearly a quarter survived).

Are God’s standards for living not therefore pretty high?

What are your thoughts?


The Reverend Soleil - I don't believe it would have been that high either (18billion), just laying down the estimations of others.

Update 2:

Corey - Yes 300,000 is low, but the higher the population, the more my point is made (which is why I said I was being generous by saying it was ONLY 300,000 lol).

Update 3:

Whatever the population of the pre-flood era (I'm not saying what it is, and haven't been reading "wacky" websites), the fact is that according to Genesis, it's safe to estimate that over 99% of mankind was destroyed.

Update 4:

Sorry, the percentage bit is missing just a few important zero's lol - should be 0.00027%...which means that only 1.8million today would survive.

Update 5:

Again I stress that in no way am I saying that these figures are accurate, the above text is only meant to be thought provoking and stimulate discussion (there could even be a good answer!)

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The biblical flood never happened. It is just a myth.

    According to the creationist Bible-believing Christians, all species (or kinds--whatever), living and extinct were created at the same time and the fossil record was laid down by the biblical flood.

    If that were the case, you would find fossils of the approximately 5,000 present-day species of mammals, including humans, and of the approximately 10,000 present-day species of birds mixed in with the fossils of, for example, dinosaurs. You do not and will never find such a mixture. That is because they are separated in time by more than 60 million years and the fossil record reflects that fact. And you will also not find those fossils of present-day mammals and birds in the same strata with trilobites, or of numerous other early types of animals.

    If you look at the geological strata, you will find a changing representation of species through the oldest to the youngest strata, and those changes reflect an evolutionary process.

    For example, in the Cambrian, you will find the initial appearance of most of the phyla, but they will be only very primitive species belonging to those phyla. You will not find one single reptile, dinosaur, bird, mammal, or teleost fish. And as you progress through the strata you will find new forms, but still nothing like what you would find today until you get to relatively young strata. That is not what you would find if the fossil record had been laid down by a flood such as that described in the Bible. But it is what would be expected in an evolutionary scenario.

  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Personally, I believe in a figure somewhat in the area of 5 mil to 10 mil. The mega-structural remains world wide, the underwater sites (cities) that have been found, etc. indicate that the whole world was being used but in a sparsely populated manner compared to today.

    If we take this to apply - then it is obvious that Noah didn't preach but to his locality. It is obvious that nearly all things are unknown and not given. A lot about the account about Noah begs for more details.

    Where did the giant Rephaim and sons of Anak. etc come from? Even in the Americas giants have been found, and from not a perhaps very ancient past.

    That all these died doesn't necessarily mean that their chances for a resurrection of judgment is nonexistent, does it?

    The point with the flood was to make a world as we have it today, with many ethnicities, with many languages, with the march of the nations, with the setup of the nations as it is presently. All of this was decided upon back then at the time of Adam. We see how God planned for the revelation of evil, the revelation of man's cruelty to man, man's ineptitude in managing the planet to be revealed in full bloom as the stinkiest flower on earth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your summation was extremely interesting. Some of your answers are from posters who make fun of Jehovah God and those who question your hypothesis, which you did not state as a fact.

    It brought a scripture to mind: "For you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: “Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.” (2 Peter 3:3, 4)

    As for your question about God's commandments, let's consider this: "For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome." (1 John 5:3)

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, my main thought is that you either made all those numbers up or you got them from some crazy site. I bet it's got something to do with Ray Comfort- we've heard a lot from him lately, the mad banana-obsessed bastard.

    The next thought to occur to me is that I want to see your source for those numbers. Pre-flood population estimates can be up to 17 billion? Seriously? I don't think we have room for that many people. Plus that implies either a frightening rate of population growth or a whole lot of internal inconsistency in the fundamentalist worldview.

    I think I'll assume it's the latter and save myself a few brain cells.

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  • Corey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    17 billion? That beggars the imagination. And 300,000 is a little low. World population was probably a few million when the deluge supposedly occured. It never went down to 8. And if it did, wouldn't it be strange that all 8 happened to be related to each other, but none of the infants and children alive at the time were innocent enough?

    God's standards of living don't seem to be high, they seem to be arbitrary and amoral.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your question is very interesting, AND so are the responses.

    Some people just don't read. They jump to conclusions and make quick assumptions.

    I believe wholeheartedly in Jehovah's Word, but it just boggles my

    mind sometimes how accurate bible prophecy is. Also, how

    apropos the admonitions are. (See the entire 3rd chapter of 2 Peter)

  • 1 decade ago

    As you can see by some of the replies on here, it is just like the days of Noah. No one taking notice. They are mocking, ignoring..... some even rude. Well my friends, Armageddon will happen whether you believe it or not. And if you choose to keep your heads in the sand about what will take place in our very near future, you will not have a future to look forward to.

    On the upside, Jehovah has and is giving you a chance to save yourselves, just like Noah did in his day. Please open your eyes and ears.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no way of knowing how many people there were before the Flood. Any number is based on assumptions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    GOD WAS FED UP WITH RAMPANT SINNING...WHO CARES ABOUT STATS?? God can resurrect everyone for another chance! Educate yourself and dont throw rocks..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think Ben Affleck said it best...:

    "What, are you f***ing RETARDED?!?!"

    "17 BILLION"?!?!

    Supported and provided for by Bronze Age level farming techniques?

    We can't even feed 6.5 billion TODAY, with genetically modified crops and modern pesticides and irrigation methods...

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