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Lv 42,621 points

Paul S

Favorite Answers17%

Hello and welcome! I'm a Jehovah's Witness (, but before you leave in a hurry :D...can I share some info about Witnesses (JW's)? Once upon a time there was a very curious man named Charles. At a young age Charles felt that there was many things that was taught in church that didn't make sense (just like many Agnostics and Atheists feel)...but because he had a thirst for spiritual knowledge, he decided to go seeking for answers. Unfortunately no Christian denomination could give reasonable, logical answers to such questions as "why would a loving God make anyone suffer eternally in hell fire?". In the end, he set up a bible study group dedicated to letting the bible explain itself (originally called bible students), and here we are now worldwide (JW's)! There are many teachings of JW’s that they get from the bible. One for example is the fact that faith is proven by what you do. Feel free to chat! :)

  • Why do many people have pointless arguments?

    Have you noticed on here, that there seems to be an undying need to ARGUE, to prove a point, to sound more intelligent?

    People in the real world, when face to face, aren't usually as disrespectful/thoughtless. But online, suddenly they become somebody else.

    There seems to be one group with strong convictions, against another group with equally strong convictions. Neither group will budge on their opinions, yet it doesn't stop them from debating with one another.

    Since when has it been a good witness, or endearing/attractive to those who are watching a "battle of wits", where each individual tries to look good in debating and "splitting hairs"?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Your faith in humanity?

    I don't want this to sound condescending (I'm honestly not like that), but does anyone else ever get like this? Where their faith in humanity drops big time?

    I like to try and help people as much as I can, whether it be at work, online, or volunteer work...however, much of the time your efforts are discarded, unappreciated or sometimes thrown back in your face in sheer rudeness.

    What can you do when your whole life revolves around helping people who do not seem to care or give any respect?

    How can you get the passion back for fellow mankind?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • JW's - Did ALL the 1st century Christians preach?

    1 Peter 4:10, 11

    "In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness expressed in various ways. If anyone speaks, let him speak as it were the sacred pronouncements of God; if anyone ministers, let him minister as dependent on the strength that God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. The glory and the might are his forever and ever. Amen."

    Translated another way (CEV):

    "Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well. If you have the gift of speaking, preach God's message. If you have the gift of helping others, do it with the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done in a way that will bring honor to God because of Jesus Christ, who is glorious and powerful forever. Amen."

    Does that scripture signify that not all of the anointed back then preached?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Fitting in?

    Please don't answer unless you are a JW, thanks!

    As you all know, congregations are full of different personalities (some more than others). I've been in 2 congregations so far (besides the many I've visited), and I've seen the different challenges people have to face as is pretty normal.

    For the town I live in right now (Scottish and quite Northern), I'd say that it's mainly full of people who've come here to settle down. There's a mixture of the locals who are what you could call the more "common" type, and then more financially well off ones (usually the ones who've moved to live here). So as you can imagine, there can be some differences.

    If I were to describe the congregation, I'd say it's very welcoming. At the same time, I'd also say that many of the brothers and sisters are quite "settled down" and reserved. I'd say that when the CO visits, his biggest exhortation for the congregation is getting over apathy, cliques & ruts (it kind of comes with the territory).

    Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to exclude myself when saying all this! By nature, I am serious, but I have a laid back side too where I like to be quite open and humorous. At the same time I am quite shy and get nervous quite easily. So I do find it hard to mingle with ones who are quite reserved themselves (I'm used to being around people who are quite extroverted to bring me out of my in my previous congregation down South).

    It does kind of make me feel helpless because literally ALL the brothers and sisters that I used to feel comfortable around have either moved congregations or left the truth. The ones who moved out had their reasons (of which I won't go into)...but I don't believe in "running away" like this.

    Things like this kind of makes me feel depressed, because with my family, half have left the truth and half have really made a good go at it. The ones who've made a good go at it have travelled a lot and relate their experiences and are so full of zeal (my brother's going to Gilead, my sister's serving where the need is greater etc)...and it kind of rubs it in my face lol. I want to stay where I am, especially since my wife needs to be around her family. So I don't feel like I can do much about my situation.

    Has anyone else felt like this?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Poor hot water pressure?

    Hi there, I was wondering of the best way to increase hot water pressure.

    One option is to buy a pump (most practical, since I live in a one story building with no loft space). I could make a box section in my roof *IF* it's worth it. Apparently, to get up to 1 bar of pressure (minimum required for appliances like modern washing machines) I'd have to raise the tank to about 34feet! (15psi / 0.43 = required feet) I think that's out of the question but please correct me if I calculated that wrong.

    Main reason for wanting to boost pressure is my appliances won't work on current supply (just trickles out due to tank being almost same level...and I especially want to run a shower off the hot water too).

    I'm pretty certain I would need a bigger capacity tank if I were to run many things on it (e.g. washing machine, dishwasher, shower etc). The one I have is definitely no larger than 50 litres.

    I heat water using wood burning stove (it's a hassle I know but the fuel is free for me LOL), so that rules out an un-vented system.

    Any good tips on where to go from here and maybe how to connect the pump if that's the best route? Just looking for good ideas and will give more info if needed...Thanks!

    5 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Voltage multiplier circuit (230v ac - 1000v dc)?

    Hi, I was wondering how to make a 1000v power supply (in the milliamps) using mains electricity (UK - 230v) and readily available components. I'm wanting to run a high voltage DC motor.

    I've looked up multiplier circuits, and transformers, but current/load tends to confuse me.

    It's been a while since I've studied electronics (as you can tell!) preferably I'd like to not die in the process of building this :)

    Any advice for component ratings etc, simple diagrams? I understand how the circuit is built, just not familiar with component ratings. I guess I would need a step up transformer between the supply and capacitor/diode circuit to make it safer? Any clue as to number of primary and secondary turns?

    4 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses and Social Networking sites?

    Long time no posting:)

    Anyway, would like to know the general opinion on this subject. I don't like to ask publicly, but I think many on here would have a better rounded opinion.

    Networking sites, yes or no? Bearing in mind that in some like facebook, you can make your profile private (thus only dealing with close associates)...

    Just for your info, I'm not on any of these sites. I just think that some people have very conclusive opinions on the subject...feel free to PM me if you want...

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Will God kill those who didn't "hear" the Good News?

    Ezekiel 3:18

    "...he being wicked, in his error he will die, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand."

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do some ex Jehovah's Witnesses avoid Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Probably sounds like a stupid question (and I'm not referring to disfellowshipped/disassociated ones).

    I ask this because, as a J.W., I've had associates who were J.W.'s, but drifted away. Then the next minute, I'm still saying "hi" to them, wanting to chat to them etc, but they scurry off and sometimes pretend they didn't notice me...and I don't even smell bad lol. It's like I've done something bad to them?

    They used to say hello all the time and speak etc, but gradually, the longer and longer they're away from the meetings etc, it seems that the more they hold a grudge against every JW for no apparent reason.

    I'm the sort of person who likes to get along with everyone, even if I disagree with something about them...

    I know it's nothing personal that I've done, because this is a pattern. It happens gradually. Also, my wife's overheard one of my ex JW friends wisper to his g/f - "Don't let her serve you, she's one of them J.W.'s!".

    It seems to me that their dislike for the J.W. faith makes them needlessly hold a grudge against every J.W. member even though they've done nothing wrong to them? That's the way it LOOKS, however, if you are an ex JW, who simply stopped coming to meetings, or drifted away, can you explain?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is planning permision required on mobile home extension?

    The mobile home is on a park (for mobile homes), the land is rented.

    There's plenty information about brick homes, but not so much on mobile homes.

    With the brick home, planning permission is not required for an extension (as of Oct 2008) provided guidelines are followed...

    Any help?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Like this Circuit Overseer’s lesson on apostates?

    My C.O. related a good story about apostates. He said that a brother called on a man who gave him an apostate booklet. The brother was told that since the booklet only contained “quotes” from Watchtowers, it was ok to read. The brother diligently researched all the quotes, found the original Watchtowers etc, and found EVERY single quote to be taken out of context. He came back to the C.O. with his findings, then went back to the man that gave him the booklet (eager to enlighten him)…but the man wouldn’t listen. Even when presented with the TRUTH, he wasn’t interested. He was only interested in criticising Jehovah’s Witnesses. It was a waste of time…

    Apart from my amazement that the CO didn’t chastise the brother for “getting involved” (lol), he was humble enough to allow the brother to learn for himself; it taught a valuable lesson.

    “Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine.” Matthew 7:6

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Can demons repent?

    When I was going through my experimental phase in life (not a JW), I got involved with spiritism. I was firm in my belief that not all wicked angels that had been cast out of heaven stayed wicked. I believed that SOME had later regretted their choice and had a change of "heart". I believed that, although cast out of heaven, that some were no longer causing mayhem and trying to prove, by example, their turn around (although not commissioned by God).

    I believed that some felt shame, and learned by example of human integrity keepers.

    1 Corinthians 6:3 - "Do you not know that we shall judge angels?"

    This says that angels are to be judged. To be judged means that one did wrong. This scripture must be referring to demons. If demons are judged, that must mean that they fail, or they pass. If they pass, that must mean that they are forgiven and once again accepted as servants of God?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Homosexuality (Part 2)?

    Following on from my last question (above) I would like to give an illustration. This illustration could be true, it could be made up (lol).

    JW Family of 7, 4 brothers and 1 sister. (Family is quite highly “sexually charged”). Brother 1 goes through rough patch in truth, “goes off the rails”. Brother 1 gets disfellowshiped. In the meantime, brother 1 meets a worldly woman and settles down with her. Later on, he decides that he wants the truth. Brother 1 does not want to break up with his woman, no major problem there since he can get married and not be living in sin. A similar pattern happens with the other siblings (sister is reproved for sexual activity outside of marriage but eventually becomes married, brother 2 eventually marries worldly woman). Brother 3 is the only one out of all the siblings who seems to be on the “right track”.

    For those siblings who “went wrong”, the problem with sex drive was quite easily “fixed” and overcome via marriage. 1 Corinthians 7:8, 9 But if they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.

    But what about brother 4 who’s natural attraction is towards men? What are the chances that this person will not be overcome with guilt and leave the truth? What about those homosexuals who DO NOT have the self-control to remain single and chaste? It is considered unreasonable to demand that a heterosexual be abstinent for his whole life, but not unreasonable to expect a highly sexually charged homosexual to be abstinent?

    Not trying to condone the act of homosexuality, nor trying to look for loopholes. It would be good, however, to raise more awareness of the REAL WORLD difficulties and get a more rounded feedback…

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Do you think homosexuality is a choice?

    Sorry for my myriad of questions directed at JW's lol. There's plenty more to come :)

    Just curious, what do you think? Is being gay, something that naturally occurs, or nurture?

    I have a very strong opinion on this subject (no, not because I'm secretly "hiding in the closet" lol), which I may reveal later depending on the responses...

    Don't worry, it's not a trick question :)

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - How come the "lion will eat straw", will carnivore's be extinct in new world...?

    The lion will eat straw like the ox (Isa. 11:7, 9; 65:25)

    Many would say that this scripture is simply symbolic, but how come in some illustrations of the societies publications, it shows a "peaceful" lion (as if taken literally)? Do the society take this scripture literally?

    There's no way that a lion would be a lion if it didn't hunt and eat meat for example. Hunters like this wouldn't be recognizable if they were "converted" to herbivores. Predators are PHYSICALLY designed for being predators. Their teeth, muscles, jaws, digestive system etc would all have to completely change. Can you imagine a shark eating seaweed? lol

    Any insight???

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses - Do you think the private home study arrangement will ever be brought back?

    Please, only Jehovah's Witnesses answer, this question doesn't apply to anyone else, thank you :)

    I'm just interested in a wider view point (don't want to stir murmurings or anything lol).

    I know a lot of people in my congregation (including elders and myself) who miss it - you know, the more relaxed atmosphere (which enables most to express themselves more and for those shy ones to answer up), the ability to get to know your brothers and sisters more personally etc.

    What do you think?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How come natural methods can't "claim" cures, but drugs can?

    In my opinion and through study, drugs mainly suppress the symptoms and never cure the long term illness. They never get to the route of the problem.

    Just a few examples:

    >All Pain killers


    >Heart medication


    And yet, with certain natural cures the effects are 10x better and with less (if any) side effects...BUT, you cannot make these claims because according to the FDA you are breaking the law by making a medical claim.

    Where's the sense in this???

    If thousands of people are using natural methods to successfully get rid of a disease (which drugs fail in), then why say that these methods can't be used and are non-scientific just because one is not using drugs which have been tested etc?

    12 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • JW's - Do you feel like a failure at times? Do you get annoyed that you cannot be 100% persistent?

    While growing up I have suffered quite a bit from low self-esteem and self-confidence (like my parents), so now and then I go through some funny phases. It also doesn't help with the fact that by nature, I'm a perfectionist (which means looking at myself with a magnifying glass) lol

    Do you ever feel discouraged before you even try? You know, if you feel like you need to work on something, do you give up and not even bother because "every time you tried to do something in the past, you did well to start with, but started to fail in the end, and then the cycle repeats"?

    Do you feel that people look at you and think, "well he/she is doing this and that now, but I bet it won't last!"?

    Do you get constantly annoyed with yourself, because, even though you understand that God knows you better than yourself, you still feel like you could do better than you're doing?

    When you look to the future, do you imagine yourself being better than you are now (e.g. more spiritual etc), or do you see yourself taking 1 step forward and 1 step backwards all the time?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians - If over 99% of pre-flood people were destroyed?

    Shouldn't we take what the what God's word the bible says very seriously concerning sin and commands etc.?

    Jesus said that before judgement day, people would be living just as they were in pre-flood days (thinking that they weren't doing anything wrong):

    Matthew 24:37-39

    For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.

    (this is linked to my previous pre-flood question)

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pre-flood population statistics and nowadays - shocking facts?

    Pre-flood population estimations range from 300 thousand to 17 billion.

    8 people survived the flood

    If we were to be generous (if that’s the right choice of word!), and say that the population was no more than 300 thousand (thereby reducing the death to survivor ratio), which is very unlikely for it to be that low, the survivor to death ratio would be:

    1 : 37500

    That is, for every survivor, 37500 died, i.e. only 2.7% survived!

    Translating these figures to our day, only 18 million people (out of 6.7 billion) would “walk through” Armageddon (God’s Judgment Day) alive.

    Obviously, some people would say that the badness of man had reached such a peak back then that God had to destroy THAT many, whereas on judgement "day" things would be different.

    Not according to Jesus it wouldn’t. Jesus said that people in the last day (the period right before God’s judgement) would be just like the pre-floods days - Luke 17:26-30 Matthew 24:37-39

    Even if God had gotten more passive and “laid back” over the years, and decided to let more people survive, you cannot escape the fact that the death to survival ratio was massive (not even nearly a quarter survived).

    Are God’s standards for living not therefore pretty high?

    What are your thoughts?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago