If racism is a problem in America, why do black people exacerbate the problem by naming their children in such a way that tells everyone their race? Doesn't naming your child Shakira, Shaneeka, or Aquanetta put them at a disadvantage when it comes to applying for a job in racist America?
Are you willing to endanger your child's future for the sake of in-your-face pride?
This is not a racist question. It's a sociological question. It is based on the persistent belief that black people hold, true or not, that they are discriminated against b/c of their race. If you follow that course of logic, then this is a valid question.
And yes, you can name your children whatever you like, but, according to the prevelant belief, they will suffer for it.
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You are right; naming a child Shaniqua will make it known that she is probably black. Really, a person should be able to name their child with an ethnic name if they want to.
Let's look at it from the flip side. You are thinking that blacks should give their children good Christian names to fit in. How about asking people to just stop discriminating against blacks. The people that discriminate against Shaniqua are the true problem. Nobody wants to address that issue, huh?
People are not going to stop discriminating against Shaniqua, are they? You know this is true and that's why you have posed this question. So to answer your question, yes, if blacks want to try to fit in and make the people who discriminate against them feel comfortable, they should tone down the ethnic names.
Unfortunately, I have to say that you're being a bit of a hypocrite right now, yes, It's true that some African-American families have certain children named that way but just popping out names like that is totally uncalled for; what's not true is, names aren't the cause of the blame for disadvantaged children(or let's say a person), it's how they act and react to certain situations, such as what kool_rock said, Check out people from Africa and South Africa, they have 'different' names to what we have here in the west.
To simply put forth my answer, no, it really depends on how the person is, if that certain someone is 'negotiable', I'm o.k. with it, if not then that's their problem.
If a woman finds a certain name to be beautiful and wishes to give that name to her child, then the fact that some people choose to be prejudiced against ethnic names shouldnt be allowed to make the decision for her and make her feel she cant name her child that. The problem is not black people giving their children "black" or "ghetto" names...the problem is people like you who find a persons ethnicity and heritage to be troubling.
Also, these names are not about "in-your-face pride". Some black people just like these names and it is a popular trend for black children to be given such names....just as other races have names that are popular and "trendy".
Or sometimes it is the case that the mother wants a unique name so that her child will stand out and feel special...no one names their child so that they will get mistreated later in life.
Also, I know many white females with very ethnic sounding and unique names...so these kinds of names are not just for blacks or hispanics or any other race in particular...anyone can have them.
Black people actually get a lot of opportunities. We are all about diversification these days and there are some fields where black people are lacking. So being black sometimes works to your advantage. Like in medicine. You can get in even with not so stellar grades.
I actually wish I was black because of this or white because they pretty much get opportunities everywhere. Simply because of opportunities, nothing else. I am in the middle and no one sympathise with that LOL. How sad. Though proud to be who I am.
Some of the names parents name their children means something in African.. Others just name their children something to be different, and I agree with you, How embarassing is it when the teacher always call your name out in front of your friends wrong, and when your employer asks what your name is, and you have to reply with Bonquaintaneshiqualia Jones.