ohio healer
Favorite Answer
While I can't put my finger on anything that specifically indicates that aloe vera juice has vitamin E in it, all evidence points in that direction. Aloe vera juice is indicated for everything that you could potentially use Vitamin E to balance. Whole leaf aloe vera has the most nutrients.
Yadu M
No, it does not contain Vitamin E (which is a fat soluble vitamin).
The active principle is water soluble beta-1,3; beta-1,6-Glucan. a polymeric carbohydrate of glucose units.
It is important to ensure that the product do3es not contain Aloin, aloe-emodine, which is a c-glycoside is well known to cause diarrhea.
For further information you may want to look up -
Healthy Randy
If you want kick-butt levels of PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE Vitamin E try the USANA products. Specifically the "optimizer called Prime E. Go to my website to check it out:
www.gesundheit.usana.com Accept only the best which is pharmaceutical grade!