So i've got a weird question?

I want to learn how to speak in a brooklyn accent. At least I think it's a brooklyn accent. "y'know what i'm tawkin' 'bout?" type o' thing. Are there any resources on the internet or offline that I could use to find ways to learn accents, specifically that one?

Thanks in advance.


And I'd appreciate no more answers saying "It's low class" or "It makes you sound stupid" or stupid things like that. Y'know what i'm tawkin' 'bout?


Favorite Answer

my suggestion would be to watch movies that are set in brooklyn. it would help you pick up the slang and make sure your pronunciation is correct good luck


Buy DVD's of "The Honeymooners." That's the best example of Brooklyn speech I've seen since I left there. Keep in mind, though, that there are many different dialects of Brooklynese. The Kramdens lived in the north central part of Brooklyn, where they speak noticeably differently than we did in Borough Park. Different ethnic groups, even in the same neighborhood, often had different accents. I talked like the Irish, with a heavy Italian influence, and the Jews who lived on the same block as us talked with a very different accent.


Move to Brooklyn


you need to take a trip there for a few weeks ... accents are easily and naturally picked up by being in the area.

melissa f2006-08-28T04:13:11Z

sweetheart,just talk the way that you talk,there is nothing "cool" about the brooklyn accent

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