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hi i am a 14 year old freshman i have this friend that i like a lot and a while ago all her friends said she liked me so i asked her out and she said not now well later her friend told me it was because her parents would not let her until she was 16 wel now we are still 14 and r good friends but i still rly like her i thought i was over her but i am not and she now has has told me she likes me and we talk on aim A LOT but when its in person every thing is so awkwardanyways i just want to know ur advise anything will help conversation starters anything thx alot.


Favorite Answer

if you really like her as much as you say you do then you'll wait for her.....tell her that....or if your in school just say hello or ask her something about class


At 14 all you should be to each other is best buds. Enjoy your friendship. If it is meant to be more, it will stand the test of time and and the separation if you go to different colleges.

And if you were not meant for each other, who knows, maybe you two will be life long friends...which is so rare, and so wonderful :)

So, stop worrying about romance, and concentrate on the mysteries of algebra, because whether or not you two are meant to be together, having a good paying job is a wonderful thing to have :)


Find out what she is interested in over the IM. Then bring it up while you are in front of her and that should get you started. Your 14 so it's kind of hard to find things to talk about. You can talk about school or what your dreams are for the future. You don't always have to talk about somthing cool just be yourself and you will find your way.


ok.. well its really normal to be shy in person..because you have to see her, but yea on the computer u can chill out more and its cool!! well u have 2 years to keep her interested and hopefully you can do it- if u like her that much!!! :) well i know the things girls love to hear...but maybe u dont wanna be all lovey dovey and just keep what u say casual...and make her think u are just her friend!! nothing more...and at the same time, ...make her feel like the only girl in the world! wait for her...and she will really begin to love you for that! just stay cool, calm, and casual in front of her...and if she ever feels down: compliment her (do it in a caring way) not in a fake way! just show her that you are a true friend and your their to stay!! well good luck! hope it works out...let me kno xoxo maddielynn


Just talk about stuff you like to do, be you. Also, just because she can't go out with you doesn't mean that she can't go to the movies and stuff like that with you. Good luck, don't worry about it 16 will come soon enough, plus girls aren't everything, I know its hard to believe. . .lol

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