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hi i am a 14 year old freshman i have this friend that i like a lot and a while ago all her friends said she liked me so i asked her out and she said not now well later her friend told me it was because her parents would not let her until she was 16 wel now we are still 14 and r good friends but i still rly like her i thought i was over her but i am not and she now has has told me she likes me and we talk on aim A LOT but when its in person every thing is so awkward anyways i just want to know ur advise anything will help conversation starters anything thx alot. o and also we dont go to the same high school but we see each other at church


Favorite Answer

Don't get all worked up. If you have to wait 2 years she will be on to someone else by then.


well i am a 14 year old girl, and i think that she should respect her parents. if u like her enough, u will wait 2 years or her. stay friends with her, make sure things don't get awkward. if u think things r awkward, just say "this is awkward" because saying that u arent comfortable will (in some strange way) make u both more comfortable. just do things for her all the time, treat her like u like her. that is all i can tell u. but make sure she knows that u like her all the time...with out being creepy about it.
good luck.


You should find out what her interests are and talk about that. You should also try to ask her out to the movies ( as friends) and then talk about the movie. Girls really like it when she and the guy have a lot in common because then there aren't as much fights and arguments in the relationship. So try to find more similarities and good stuff about each other rather then flaws and everything should go good. Good Luck !!


If she can't date until she's sixteen, then you guys should just wait. Being good friends is good, too, you know, and you guys will probably be in a better relationship when you're older by getting to know each other more now. And it can get awkward in person, but getting to know each other more will break the ice.


well thats not bad! Just go with the flow you know and wait! well you could talk about church service and since you guys don't go to the same school you could bring up things that happens in your school. There is alot of things to talk about! You could be really deep! you can talk about nature itself!

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