What should I try to dream about 2nite when i go to sleep???

Don't say sex either.


Favorite Answer

How about something you have always wanted to do .. to become.

Hugs from a Loving Mom to a Brilliant, as well as beautiful 8 year old Jared and Our Angel, Zachary (taken to soon but who will always remain in our heart) ~ Mel

Game Guy2006-09-07T09:54:11Z

Reaching up and grasping a star, only for it to fall into the grass, and sprout up as a beautiful sunflower, which when it opens in bloom lets loose a blue bird that flys into the sky and explodes, covering the dark sky with the beautiful blue sky of a summers day.

Could prove difficult, so concentrate. :-P


Say your prayer before going to bed and ask for a sweet dream.

I Inquire2006-09-07T09:11:11Z

Whatever you have on your mind that makes you happy! Thats always the greatest thing to dream of.


try to dream about the day inwhich you will die.

how this day will be?will people remember you?will they say that you where good?or that you were so bad?how many good things you have done?how many people you hurted?how many people you cheated?
then when you wake up try to correct all the faults you found in your dream (good luck)

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