Young guys your opinion please???

My boyfriend is 19 and very mature and I'm 28. He says he loves me with all his heart and shows me love like I've never felt before. I don't know what to think tho. He said he's confused about our relationship and he's emotionally distraught. He said he wasnt going to break up with me, he told me all of this in a text and when i talked to him on the phone he asked if we could talk about this tomorrow because he was really tired(it's 5am). I know he's really tired so i told him thats cool but I asked him again if he was going to break up with me and he said i don't know, so of course i started cying and he told me not to worry, not to cry and he loved me with all his heart. We have an amazing relationship and i can tell he's truly happy with me. Has anyone felt like this before? Is he just scared cuz he's younger. I don't know? My mind is going crazy cuz I can't wait to hear his explanation tomorrow. I can't stand the thought of losing him. He's the one for me. Real answers please!


Favorite Answer

Well at only 19, he may be questioning if you're the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. You're probably the first serious relationship he's had in his life.
I'm sure he just needs to do a little thinking and he'll realize that you're the best thing for him and everything will work out if it's meant to be. I'm sure everything will be fine.
Good luck!


I don't think you are going to like this but I have done the same thing as your boyfriend and it was because I didn't want to be that person but I still felt for them and I didn't want to hurt them that i let it drag on.

what is that saying about letting go of something you love and if it comes back it is truly yours.....

and if it doesn't work out you gotta pick yourself up and carry on carrying on.


the difference age between you may be barrier, but think about long relation after 10 years example, u Willl be 40 and he will be 30, imagine how the relation are going to be, what the form of the relation in that future time?will he still love you like now? will he still give you all kind of love that you have never seen? please think about your relation don't wait him to tell you what he is worried about?
you are still young now and may have a lot of chances in relations after leaving him, but after 10 years i think the chances wil decrease gradually.
please please please use ur mind


Sounds like he's confused. He may be seeing another girl on the side.


God bless you.

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