Does anyone agree???

That there are some really dumb people asking questions tonight. People that need to learn some self respect.


I didn't mean dumb as in dumb, I just meant that they are dumb in the aspect that they let people walk all over them and have no self respect!


Favorite Answer

thats every night


I find it interesting that you recognize a lack of self respect in certain questions and I completely support what you are saying.

But - isn't this system more or less geared for that?
I mean...get 2 points by answering...even if you just type a period and hit submit.

Ask any question...-5 but you get three back when you select a good answer...the other 2 you make up when you answer with no effort.

basically...ask anything you want to and you get points.

report a person...they just remove the question.
change their email
start again

it's a social project...
I like what you have to say.
I hope your message gets through to someone.

S S2006-09-22T07:40:00Z

dumb is relative term.who is dumb in comparison to who ! there might be people who will find u and ur question dumb.i dont believe in judging people.


Yeah I don't see the variety of q's that I did when I started, that's for sure.

Paper Hater2006-09-22T07:37:05Z

They are children. their parents buy them a computer and the internet to act as baby sitters. need to take away their computers and shoot the parents.

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