When my teachers said I was dense, they were talking about specific gravity, right?


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it means your fat.... thats right i said it.... all these people b4 me dont have the huevos to say that your fat.

poornakumar b2014-01-24T10:06:11Z

It is amusing to read the answers. One of them is the one shot as if from a pistol, that it means the "specific gravity of your brain is zero'. I think that answerer has the densest brain (with the foggiest idea of density) of all of us here.
Having known you from your answers (you were here for 8 years, what could be your age; while I joined 2 years later), I think you are anything but dense. How did you your teachers say that. probably its time you pay a bit more attention to your HW & studies generally.


Oh yes. They're talking about the specific gravity of your brain being Zero

Meighan L2006-10-06T20:34:37Z

Sorry to disappoint but no, they were not talking about gravity. It was a little harsh of them to say that.


If you were not goofing off I'm sure you'd know what they meant.

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