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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Should a PUBLIC SCHOOL teacher be saying this?

In my school, there is this teacher who is severely messed up.(he thinks that in some places of the world, fish evaporate and then rain down on people's lawns, ok??)

Anyway, he wrote on the board something like "God gave us two ears and one mouth, so listen twice and speak once"

I'm atheist.

Sometimes the teacher talks about God("the good man" as he calls him") and the story of Adam and Eve (which would make everyone in the world related) as if it's 100% true.

So, really, in a public school, should he be saying this or should he keep it to himself?This would be fine in a Catholic school, but really.


Um..I'm Canadian, so the Constitution doesn't apply to me. And I don't want to hear about apes, I mean, it wasn't even close to the topic we were talking about. And about the fish thing, he meant actual live fish.

Update 2:

And by in a Catholic school I mean, isn't that part of their religion and therefore most of the people there are Catholic?

Update 3:

OK, I know it rains fish/frogs sometimes(it was in our planner) but I'm pretty sure they don't evaporate. And nobody listens to this guy anyway (because he has literally no idea what he's talking about) Yeah, the thing is good advice, but you can say it differently

Jeez, forgive me for wondering.

23 Answers

  • Blank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe he shouldn't be saying such things in a public school but there's an opportunity for learning here and you might be missing it.

    In the real world, that place where most of us spend the rest of our lives after high school, dwell all sorts of people with with all sorts of ideas about how the world works work. Some of those people and their ideas are wonderful, some are just plain wacky. A few are downright evil.

    I promise you that there will be bosses, co-workers, neighbors, college professors, government officials, clerks, customers, clients etc. that you'll think were recently discharged from mental institutions but for one reason or another you have to deal with them. You don't have to like them. You will sometimes have to find a way to get along with them. (You aren't obligated to invite them to dinner).

    A good friend once counseled me, "Keep your relationships with people to what you have in common with them."

    Her advice has served me well.

    Listen twice and speak once is not bad advice. If you've read anything recently about genetics and DNA, there is good evidence that almost everyone in the world is related, although I doubt the mythical characters Adam and Eve have anything to do with it.

    You sound like a pretty smart young woman. You clearly understand that you don't have to believe everything your teacher's tell you. Don't throw away this opportunity to practice how you are going to manage a relationship with someone you can't avoid and find absolutely irritating.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, fish raining from the sky has happened before but it was not because of fish evaporating. It is more like a tornado pulling up water from a lake or river and the fish that was in it. The fish then fall from the sky, sometimes a long way from where they were plucked. If the guy actually believes they evaporated then he is a little crazy or very dumb.

    It does sound like a minor infraction of trying to push religion on his students. However, it is not like he is forcing kids to pray or grading kids differently based on what their beliefs are or trying to convert non-christians. If he was doing that stuff then he is breaking the law. You could try asking him politely not to bring up religion in school. You could try filing a complaint against him. I am not sure that either will work. I am not sure that anything can be done since he is not really doing anything that bad.

    As for the meaning in the message he is trying to give you with that ears and mouth thing, that is actually very good advice. It is just has a god reference added to it. Here is a better version.

    "It is the fool that chatters while it is the wise man who listens."

    Chiun, Master of Sinanju

  • 1 decade ago

    In the first part of your question you mention this teacher who is "severely messed up, because he stated that fish have rained down on some people's lawns. This is true. Look it up on the net, just as I just did (to confirm I knew what I was talking about). This has happened quite a few times especially in England.

    As to the second part of your question. He sounds like he is trying to be a positive teacher, however, you are correct when you say that religion should not be brought up in a public school. There is nothing wrong in using the word "God" now and again, because that is what is going on in his head, especially if he is a good teacher. People are not perfect, as you well know, and since he does know what he is talking about about the fish raining down, why don't you just look at him in a different way, without thinking he is "messed up", and maybe just take advantage of what he is teaching. It will not physically or mentally damage you if you just learn from him, and ignore the way he phrases his sentances. I am guessing that in class, some are not listening to what is being taught, and thus the remark he wrote on the board.

    Being an atheist is your choice, but being more positive, is also your choice. Is he really doing YOU harm by now and again mentioning "God".? I feel you are doing yourself more harm by your outlook.

    Why don't you talk to him, face to face, and very nicely ask him if HE feels that, you as an atheist, should be listening to him quoting God in his lessons. A positive approach will get you further than a negative one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I know what you mean, and I would say no! He should really not speak about Adam and Eve and whatnot because, not everyone is a Christian, that is like forcing everyone to listen to heavy metal when not everyone likes it. He has no right whatsoever to do so, and needs help. And please nobody report me, because I know this man and it is true.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'll try to be neutral in my answer, but it would be the same thing to someone else if he started talking about evolution, either way he would be offending someones views. So it's really up to the individual to make up their own mind after listening to different points of view, doesn't sound like he's forcing you to believe anything.

  • It does rain fish. here is a link.

    Yes you should listen at least twice as much as you speak.

    As for Adam and Eve, I am not a Christian.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should probably tell your parents, that is if they they don't share the same brain as your teacher. No wonder test scores are dropping. (I'm assuming you're in the US.)

    Oh, Canadian, well, I don't know what your government says about (aboooot) religion or other quackery being taught in schools.

  • TAT
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The quote on the board is appropriate and slightly humorous. Read the constitution and you might see that you are not free of religious talk by a govt employee. Lighten up

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to the principal, if he/she doesn't do anything, formally (and maybe anonymously) write the school board and mention lawyer and lawsuit in the letter, but do not use it threatening, at least at first. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    fish eggs have evaporated into the sky and rained down. It's a freaky phenomenon but it does happen.

    But to answer your other question, is, NO. He shouldn't. I have 7 Christian students in my class and none of them knows I'm an atheist because I don't mention it to them. It's not for school.

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