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Know this - Anything in the bible that seems to contradict itself is a lack of understanding and/or misinterpretation. I've been really studying the bible for a few years now, I'm 22 y/o, and have learned just how deceived people are. Ask for understanding, be disciplined in the word and finding out the truth and stop blindly listening to man. If you ask the Father with sincerity, and seek, He will show you the truth and you cannot be deceived.

  • What gauge wire do I need to use with my generator?

    I'm installing a 7.6Kw genset in my boat. If I use 10/4 cable can I run 30 amps through each of the hot wires or only 15 amps?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • Where can I go online to find out how many hours a car repair will take?

    I know mechanics have books they can look at that says for 'such-and-such' car it will take 'X' number of hours to replace an alternator for example. I want one of these books or even a website but I don't know what to search for. I've looked all over and cannot find anything.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • How do I make backspace delete entire words?

    I would like this to happen across all programs and applications.

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • When copying text, how can I make Microsoft Word 07 automatically change it to the format I'm already using?

    For example, if I'm typing in word with size 12 arial black and I copy and paste something from a webpage it might be size 16 bold double spaced with red text color. Every time I paste I have to change a bazillion settings.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Does a company have to charge sales tax for a service provided? What if parts are replaced at a markup?

    Example one: Someone pays to have a virus removed from their computer and pays $50 for labor. Is that taxed?

    Example two: Someone pays to have a hard drive replaced and pays $50 for labor and $50 for parts. The company marked up the price of the hard drive 10%. What is taxed in this example, if anything?

    State in question is Florida, situation is purely hypothetical.

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Is there a word or idiom that describes this?

    I'm looking for a word or idiom that specifically describes when someone contridicts their own ideals. For example, when someone declairs there is no such thing as a stupid question, but then critizises someone for asking one. Another example would be when a leader declairs chain of command in an organization but then bypasses it habitually. The closest thing I can think of is the term double speak but that doesn't quite satisfy it for me.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • How do I publicly stream video over the internet?

    I have a need to set up a camera and have it stream constantly over the internet for several hours a day and anyone is able to watch it. How do I do this and what are my options?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How can I remove the recycling bin's file size limitation?

    For example, when I want to delete a 4GB .iso image file it says it's too big for the recycling bin. I would like to remove this limitation if possible.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I make coffee that tastes like bottled Starbucks Frappuccino?

    Any cup of coffee I have ever tasted ones bought at Starbucks have a very strong coffee flavor that can only be overpowered by tons of sugar. But by the time I get enough sugar in the cup it tastes like I'm drinking syrup. The only coffee I've ever had that tasted just right is the bottled Frappuccino but it's REALLY expensive. Any tips on how I can achieve a similar taste at home?

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Motherboard needs SPDIF bracket cable hooked up to it, can someone please help?

    The motherboard I bought has an spdif output on the motherboard that needs a cable bracket to work (sold separately). I cannot find instructions anywhere on exactly what product I need or how to do it. I have a cable bracket I bought that is supposed to be the right one, but the connector that plugs into the motherboard is wrong. The pin configuration on the board is [1234] with pin three being an empty space instead of a pin. The Gigabyte cable bracket I bought has three female pinholes, the same number as on the board, but they are right next to each other so only two out of 3 pins can be connected at one time.

    Manual (adobe reader pages 9,10,11,29):

    Cable I bought:

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Want to go from my computers 5.1 analog to TOSLINK optical, what's the best way to do it?

    My motherboard has 5.1 channel analog plugs and HDMI out. My receiver only accepts analog stereo, digital coaxial and optical. Forever I've just been using 2 channel stereo and I'd like to upgrade. Is my cheapest option buying a new sound card for the optical out?

    1 AnswerHome Theater1 decade ago
  • My heart started beating out of my chest, why?

    I was sitting casually talking to my friend and my heart starts beating like I just ran a marathon. 10 minutes later when I finally laid down it quickly went back to normal. My heart does this about once every 3-6 months but until this last time it's only ever been for 5 seconds tops. I don't take any drugs illegal, prescription, OTC, or otherwise. No known heart conditions in my family and I exercise occasionally.

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • How do you calculate the density of water with a given amount of sugar?

    Say there is 3Liters of water with 1Liter of sugar mixed in, what is the total density? The density of sugar is 1.29 g/cm^3 and water is 1 g/cm^3

    10 points to whoever can provide me with the answer to this question as well as the steps taken to achieve this answer.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • What kind of hair cut should I get? Crew cut?

    My sister thinks I should get a long crew cut but I don't think my head is the right shape for it. I want a haircut that I don't have to do anything to, just comb it and be done. What should I do?

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of these pesky Big Headed Ants(pheidole megacephala)?

    I've been battling these little bastards for over a year and a half now and have *never* seen a reduction in their numbers. At first I could not understand why they would not eat the Terro ant bait that has worked so well in other places I lived. Turns out these are 'protein' eating ants that like to eat greasy, fatty foods just like Americans! So I bought some Boric acid (active ingredient in Terro) powder and mixed it with peanut butter and placed the bait all around the inside and outside of my house. For about 2-3 weeks they went absolutely BONKERS over the stuff, tens of thousands of ants taking the bait. Then suddenly they stopped eating it and wouldn't touch it hardly at all! But their numbers were still strong attacking my cat's food bowl, all the trash cans inside and out, and any tiny pieces of meat stuck on the counter just as they have always done. I then put Boric acid powder around the entire perimeter of my house, but it didn't seem to help much.

    I might add Boric acid is environmentally safe and is as toxic to people and animals as table salt. I will also say that I keep my house clean, wiping down counters, cleaning spills, etc. From what I have read it seems like these are the hardest ants to control but they are simply driving me crazy, there is never a break from the stupid things.

    7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How shiny is black 100% polyester clothing?

    Say it was nighttime and I was wearing all black polyester clothing, how much more visible would I be than if I was wearing all black cotton? Cotton seems to have more of a flat color and seems like it would be harder to see at night. So the question is, how much more visible are you with the polyester?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Law enforcement officers, what is your IQ?

    I've seen news articles of people not being hired into law enforcement because they have an IQ higher than 100. Also studies showing the average IQ of people that are hired being 90 showing partial support for this claim. Finally, in one example a federal judge ruled it's legal for applicants to be denied for scoring to high after a man went to court after being rejected for an above average IQ. Now I'm trying to get to the bottom of this, so please be honest.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Deputies and Officers, what is your reaction to this hypothetical gun situation?

    Say you are in a state, city, or county that, for example, bans people from carrying/owning a firearm. Now say you are sent to a residence for a complaint over something minor like loud music or two people arguing outside. You knock on the door at the residence in question and someone politely greets you but you notice right away a gun tucked in his pants. What do you do; do you think nothing of it? What if, in your scenario, the man must argue he has second amendment rights? And further what if he claims he has the right to defend, with deadly force, anyone who tries to infringe upon his proclaimed rights?

    Finally, why do you feel the way you do?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • How does a person get a retrial?

    My girlfriend pled no contest on suspended license charges and was ordered to pay a fine. We now have absolute proof that she is innocent. People keep saying file for appeal, but appeals don't admit new evidence. Also, I'm not even sure that you can appeal an arraignment anyways. Regardless, how can she get a new trial to/or reverse the old ruling?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago