Has anyone else heard of this remedy for motion sickness, and if so can you explain why it works?
When I was a child my brothers and I would get car sick, my Grandparents swore that if my parents put brown paper against the skin of our somachs for the trips we would be fine. My mother hesitated, of course, (how could there be any science in this?) eventually though she gave in, my brother being allergic to products such as gravol and at her wits end. Well, it worked on us all, and after that point we always had brown paper on our stomachs during long car rides. We were too young to have it work for psychosematic reasons, and though we have all seen it work we (including my mother) still can't believe it does. This last long weekend we took a long trip (the first one with my young daughters,) and after an hour or so in the car my six year old was complaining of motion sickness, I had a bag in the trunk and put it on her stomach (having no gravol, and remembering my youth..) and it worked, she was fine the rest of the 8 hour trip. Does anyone know why?