A wise person plans for the future. Yet we can only exist in the present. How do you balance your time?

Mayor Tater, Manwhore 4 Hire2006-10-21T21:22:03Z

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I look back on my past and see my mistakes since a persons mistakes constantly repeat themselves, I use that knowledge to change and plan for a future of uncertainty.


Enjoy the present, but plan for the future. Percentage wise I would say 70/30 present to future.


It is an annoying fact that efficient future planning is a learned skill, and learning it is a matter of trial and error. So you have to waste some of your life screwing it up - spending too much time on plans, spending not enough. This is why the wise folks tend to be old. You can't ever get it perfect, either. I think it'd help a lot if life were so much simpler that the good plans were just handed down from our elders and used wholesale.


It is important to invest wisely for your financial future. It is undeniably necessary to be careful of where your money will be tomorrow. However, setting a date on a calendar for your money to reach a certain level, is not at all the same as not following a very important rule: One day at a time. Progress and not perfection.
Following the idea that all I need to focus on is today and let tomorrow worry about itself, I then remove all the stress that tomorrow's problems may never bring. I must make steps of progress today and not worry about the end perfection of tomorrow.
I used to believe that keeping a datebook and making plans past today was serenity threatening. I then realized that what these slogans mean is that I need to make plans, write them in my datebook, and then NOT WORRY about them. I have realized that planning for the future and existing in the present is indeed, two seperate items.

Sud a2006-10-22T04:39:41Z

A wise person plans for the future so that he can live as per his expectations. A person can plan for different events or stages of his life such as marriage, kids, retirement, vacation, etc. Once we reach the particular stage of our life we can be satisfied or dis-satisfied based on whether we live up to the expectations or not. If we had not planned ahead of time chances are we will most likely be dis-satisfied. Most of the time not all our plans succeed. In such cases we believe that it was not in our destiny to live as planned.

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