help I am having an allergic reaaction to pain meds?
I just got back from the er well the dr. gave me two shots of dellata and benadryl. I also took an allegra but I am still itching really bad! I am going crazy! What else can I do to stop itching?? Thanks so much
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the doctor gave you everything you could have to treat the allergic reaction.
it might take up to 24 hours for the itching to totally stop. don't take anymore medication as you could accidently overdose.
best thing to do is let the benadry kick in and try to get some rest. if after 6 hours the itching is still present and severe. you take more benadryl. take 1-2 of the 25mg tablets. you can take these every 6 hours but no more than 4 doses in 24 hours.
if for any reason-you start to experience difficulty breathing or your throat starts to really itch, then call 911 or return back to the e.r.
You may have to go back to the ER as the benadryl doesn't seem to be doing much good for you. I wonder if you might be alergic to the dellata . Perhaps the Dellata and the Allegra may be reacting against each other. Call the ER and advise them what you have taken and what was given to you they might suggest the proper medication or suggestion without creating more of a situation.
Sounds like a possible reaction, if it continues or gets worse get to ER ASAP. Also any changes in your breathing pattern could be a sign and that would warrant a 911 call.