What will Republicans say...?

When Democrats take the House and maybe the Senate?

Since it's been asked of Democrats a lot, I'd like to hear the same question answered by Republicans.

I would prefer legit answers and not insults from either side.

But I don't trust that will happen.


Beliver - I appreciate the effort, but you still could have tried harder.

David B - What kind of moron are you? I can take the answers, I just prefer civil debate where people don't stoop to insults. And when I say "when", I'm quoting Republican versions of the exact same question asked multitudinous times on this forum. As for the irony of me calling you a moron when I asked for no insults: I get it. But, I'm not afraid to insult those who have no civility. I'll refrain from insulting those who do.

Now, can we act like adults?


Favorite Answer

What do mean what will they say? Probably the most quoted ones will say how different things like the media and maufactured scandals cost good people their offices.

The bright ones will understand the party lost its way on immigration, execution of a war/anti-terrorism strategy, and over-spending on government programs. Since Clinton left office, the national party grew fat and lazy; they performed much better in establishing a national agenda and executing it with Clinton as an opponent than they have done with no opponents of any concern these last 6 years.


If you don't like the answers, don't ask the questions! You say "when" and not "if" which means that you are one of the fools who actually believes in the polls conducted by leftist national news media operations. The same polls that have been consistanty wrong since 1994. Anyway, should the unthinkable happen and the Democrankies regain control, the Republicans can then start doing the same things the Democrankies have been doing for the last six years; being obstructionist, being obtuse; blaming veerything that goes wrong on the party in power; deliberately misstating the facts of everything that happens; blaming the Democrankies for everything wrong with the world; claiming election fraud; blocking legislation; whatever.

Brent G2006-10-25T07:39:06Z

I just hope the democrats take over both the house and senate. I hope they start taking issues seriously, which I think they will. Enough of the bush-it . Excuses for everything with the republican parties. All the care about is taking care of their own. They are too busy with other matters, and forgetting about our people.

I agree with you on legit answers. It seems so hard for politicians to give clear cut answers.

Michael D2006-10-25T07:37:43Z

well i dont know who the people are that are polled so the assumption is democrats will win the majority..i was never asked, and i plan to vote republicans down the board..and i know a bunch of my friends who werent asked and will do the same...i think they should stop taking these polls from a small group of people and just wait until after the elections are over..and if democrats do take over, i will not say anything, i will say ok..i wont be losing sleep over it


I have more faith in my fellow Americans than to think they will fall prey to the Leftist Media Mongrels.
The basic citizen, the very class of people the "Morally and Intellectually superior Lefty" derides daily, will determine the outcome of the vote.
I'm pissed at the fake "Republicans" for letting the nation falter, but the left wants to see it fail.
Soros and Hillary wish to remake America in their own image and this is unacceptable.

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