Has anyone seen that commercial for Disney's Replacements cartoon?

I noticed while being forced to watch this commercial (I was too lazy to find the remote) that all the people they replace are a bit thick about the waist, and they replace them with these thin supermodel types. Girls with small waists, guys that look built.
Is it just me, or do you see a not so subliminal message there?

You are loved2006-10-28T21:42:16Z

Favorite Answer

Disney is all about subliminal messages. Not many people realize that, its founder was a Freemason, that's why Disney's address is 33 Disneyland = 6


I can tell you without a doubt there was no conscious decision to make the replacements more shapely or buff than the people that were being replaced. Four cartoons I can think of off-hand, "Todd Strikes Out" , "Carnie Dearest" and "Best Friends for Never" and "Master Pho" all feature replacements who are significantly bigger than or are not as shapely as their counter parts. The only episode I can think of in which looks were a determining factor in replacing someone was "Davy Hunkerhoff" starring Zac Efron from "High School Musical" as a hunky lifeguard that Riley asked for to make Johnny Hitswell jealous.


its such a boring commercial there is hardly any message there