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If you read comics, what got you started in it?

I grew up watching Spider-Man every Saturday morning and I watched the Spider-Man movies and the Iron Man movies, but it was Avengers Infinity War that got me started in watching certain vids on YouTube. I think reading Marvel comics, for me, started because I found Rob Jefferson's Comics Explained channel really interesting. So I gave the Marvel Unlimited app a chance and now I read comics.

5 Answers

  • User
    Lv 7
    5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    I grew up watching the 60s Spider-Man show

    and Batman show

    and Green Hornet show

    and the 50s Superman show

    and it was those sorts of shows that got me into comic books later

    but also my older brother

    who (of course) was influenced by those same shows.

    I read my brother's comics when he started buying them

    and since he was a fan of the Fantastic Four and Thor

    (when they were being done by Jack Kirby, they were both really great comics at that time)

    I also became a Marvel fan.

  • 22 hours ago

    I was buying them every so often and then the Comic Book boom happened. It's not very often when the thing you are interested in becomes huge.

  • I started reading comics because my little pee pee got up seeing Supergirl and I wanted to know more about her. Her movie sucks and her TV show sucks by the way. Her comics also kind of sucks because DC doesn't seem to care about her too much. So her story is all over the place and she's just there to finish off Superman's plot holes and loose ends. Which is very sad. She has a lot of potentials but they are just using her to deal with things they don't want to deal with in the Superman comics.

  • 5 days ago

    I started reading comics in the early 60's. I haven't stopped yet. Don't ask what got me was 60 years ago.

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  • 5 days ago

    When I was a small child, I found an old Superman comic inside a coffee table.  I was too young too read it, but I was fascinated by the colorful pictures.  

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