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Kong and his axe Versus the flying turtle Gamera, who would win?

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5 Answers

  • 23 hours ago

    Since Gamera is much faster in the air, he has a good chance of beating long as he can dodge that ax!

  • Probably kong....

  • 1 day ago

    No question! Gamera breathes fire. He'd toast kong. Sorry

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    I don't know about any possible recent re-writes, but Gamera was always the guardian of little children.

    "Gamera is depicted as a massive, fire-breathing, prehistoric monster resembling a turtle, mutated by exposure to nuclear weapons. In the first film, Gamera is portrayed as aggressive and destructive, though he also saves the life of a young Japanese boy. As the film series progressed, Gamera took on a more benevolent role, becoming a protector of humanity, and especially of human children, from extraterrestrial races and other giant monsters.[3]"

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  • 1 day ago

    The turtle of course.  Turtles always win.

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