Why do I lose sound in one earbud?

I've gone through three sets of earbuds with my MP3 player. After use of about 3 months, one earbud (usually the left one) goes out and does not play. I can replace it, and the replacement works fine... for about 3 months... Is the life expectancy of earbuds about 3 months, or is something else happening here?


"you and every other freakin rap lover-hip hop listens to their so called music soooo freakin loud!!"

ummm... I mostly listen to audio books and I hate rap and hip-hop music.

"...start a new trend in your school where the volume isnt 100 \% loud so the earbuds wont break!"

No interest in going back to school at this point, I'm 38 and have a master's degree.

Jonny B2006-12-08T13:51:40Z

Favorite Answer

Dirty contacts most likely.. or loose ones... check the fit, and clean them

Glen Q2006-12-08T21:54:58Z

you know what!!!!!!
you and every other freakin rap lover-hip hop listens to their so called music soooo freakin loud!! its ridiculous if i can hear what youre listening from down the freakin classroom.got That?! so tone it down on the volume and start a new trend in your school where the volume isnt 100 \% loud so the earbuds wont break! mkay?
...also listen to poulenc...